27 January 2011

Day 19: A Hobby

Well, I have so many, I am not sure where exactly to begin.

Perhaps the most famous of my hobbies is that I run. Weather and health permitting, I run 10k thrice every week. Some of the neighbors in the new area where I live have already come to embrace me as part of their routine. The cops wave as they drive by; one older gentleman asked me "Aren't you cold?" What is the misconception, however, is that I like to run. I run because it's an efficient and effective way to manage my weight and burn fat. At one point, I thought I would work up in training to run a marathon or ironman or something. I still do it, because I like how I feel when I finish, and because I prefer to be in good shape than in any shape whatsoever.

What might come as a surprise to you is what I do while I run. Having already established that I don't have an iPOD, I needed something to do while I ran to distract me from the fact that running can be very boring. In fact, that's why I run as far as I do. It happens to be the amount of time after which I get bored running. Starting in 2008, I took historical documents with me on my runs. I memorize them while I am running. I read a few lines, recite them aloud (I have also spoken on the phone while I was running), and then add a few more until I master the document. Most of these are documents of historical relevance to American history, and it allows me to exercise my mind and my body concurrently.

I thought that might be the most interesting hobby about which I could tell you. Honestly, I do what I do because I try to fill my time with things that are valuable in their return for the time invested and because unlike many of you I have relatively few things that demand my time directly.

Maybe one day I'll run with my dog, but he runs much faster than I do when he chooses to run and not nearly as far. Perhaps I could run faster and enjoy it if there were something tangible at the other end in which I was interested, like a bird, a stranger, or some other tempting tidbit. He leads a very good life, and so do I.

1 comment:

Jan said...

I really really loved to run until my feet gave out on me. Two surgeries later (a few years back) and I'm now a fan of the elliptical. I do get that same great feeling when I'm done -- but I"m not as good as you in using the time wisely - -I tend to watch what I have saved on the DVR. At least it keeps me on the machine and I feel great once I"m done .