People ask me what the difference between the other candidates on the ballot is and myself. I have looked at the websites of my esteemed colleagues, and while I think them to all be patriotic and capable, I disagree on one major point and on that I make the claim that I am the best candidate.
Daniel Webster wrote during the revolution of people such as this. He said, "While they mean to rule well, they mean to rule." All of the Republican contenders and most assuredly the Democrat incumbent, all seek greater control of your life in the hands of government. Even those among them who intend to use this power to direct your lives for good intend to use that power. I do something else.
It is my policy that every man might have an equal chance. You know more about how to find your happiness, protect your property, preserve your life, and follow your conscience than any bureaucratic intellectual in a distant capital. I follow the admonition of Thomas Paine that "The government that governs best governs least." Naturally, there are legitimate activities of government, and I propose to scale it back to just those and nothing else.

The above illustration shows a projection of what one might expect under the various candidacies. I have chosen Tarkanian as a representative Republican. The other candidates agree on every facet of policy except the rate and the degree to which government should control your life. I am the ONLY candidate who proposes a reduction in government intrusion. If you are now successful in life or ever hope to be, conservative values are the best road to that end.
How does this serve your favor?
Many people challenge my contention for office on the auspices of deeply seated personal beliefs. Every person carries these with him into office, whether part of a religion or a personal mantra. I am the only one who promises to divest his own personal bias from that of his official duty. As the people's servant, I will do what you ask.
Whereas most politicians have fallen out of love with America and her people, I have a great deal of faith in the American people. I believe that it is common that the greater part of the people desire that which is right. Even then, if the majority desires that which is wrong, it makes little nevermind whether you are ruled by a little intellectual elite or the body in general. For when wicked rule, the people mourn, and if the people are wicked then who else shall rule them? I will make it my business to do the will of the people.
In the absence of common consent from the constituents, I will vote for things that will expand your liberty. If I disagree with common consent, I will explain how such a law will contract your liberty. Governments have an obligation to protect life, safeguard private property, and hold sacrosanct the free exercise of conscience. Sometimes, they will pass laws for the "general welfare" that intrude upon those ideals. I will not let them.
I am the best candidate in this race. If you are better than I am, get on the ballot. If not, I ask for and appreciate your vote.
Thank you.
Daniel Webster wrote during the revolution of people such as this. He said, "While they mean to rule well, they mean to rule." All of the Republican contenders and most assuredly the Democrat incumbent, all seek greater control of your life in the hands of government. Even those among them who intend to use this power to direct your lives for good intend to use that power. I do something else.
It is my policy that every man might have an equal chance. You know more about how to find your happiness, protect your property, preserve your life, and follow your conscience than any bureaucratic intellectual in a distant capital. I follow the admonition of Thomas Paine that "The government that governs best governs least." Naturally, there are legitimate activities of government, and I propose to scale it back to just those and nothing else.

The above illustration shows a projection of what one might expect under the various candidacies. I have chosen Tarkanian as a representative Republican. The other candidates agree on every facet of policy except the rate and the degree to which government should control your life. I am the ONLY candidate who proposes a reduction in government intrusion. If you are now successful in life or ever hope to be, conservative values are the best road to that end.
How does this serve your favor?
Many people challenge my contention for office on the auspices of deeply seated personal beliefs. Every person carries these with him into office, whether part of a religion or a personal mantra. I am the only one who promises to divest his own personal bias from that of his official duty. As the people's servant, I will do what you ask.
Whereas most politicians have fallen out of love with America and her people, I have a great deal of faith in the American people. I believe that it is common that the greater part of the people desire that which is right. Even then, if the majority desires that which is wrong, it makes little nevermind whether you are ruled by a little intellectual elite or the body in general. For when wicked rule, the people mourn, and if the people are wicked then who else shall rule them? I will make it my business to do the will of the people.
In the absence of common consent from the constituents, I will vote for things that will expand your liberty. If I disagree with common consent, I will explain how such a law will contract your liberty. Governments have an obligation to protect life, safeguard private property, and hold sacrosanct the free exercise of conscience. Sometimes, they will pass laws for the "general welfare" that intrude upon those ideals. I will not let them.
I am the best candidate in this race. If you are better than I am, get on the ballot. If not, I ask for and appreciate your vote.
Thank you.
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