15 April 2008

The Emperor's New Blog

I was stalking Laurel, which I've been doing for months, when I read her first post. For a long time I resisted the whole concept of putting things out there until my father told me the following story.

My father works as "Director of Programs" for the Nellis AFB range. At a conference on security, some NSA agent I think got up and showed the audience how vulnerable we really are by presenting things about several attendees of the conference whom he had never met, all of which he found on open source links. He talked about where they attended high school, a man with excessive parking tickets, and even about one attendee's pending divorce (which surprised his coworkers including my father). It made me wonder what you could find about me.

I googled myself. I found three things: the address of my first home, in which I have not lived since, the time I appeared on page A1 of the newspaper above the fold, and one thing I prefer not to mention. Google Reverend Jeremiah Wright, and you come up with a veritable slew of information primarily on blogs bantering various opinions back and forth. No matter what you think of the man, you can't find much original source data on the man unless you know what search strings to use, which I happen to know.

So, this blog became my opportunity to put original source material online for everyone to see. Yes, I use a fake name; all 12 of my active email addresses that end with something other than edu involve fake nome de plumes to protect my identity, but this blog shows who I am. So, when someone tells you that I said something, you can come find out exactly what I think and say.

I used to think you shouldn't write things down. Now I want to write them down before someone else starts putting words in my mouth. To the vast unknown crowd, here I stand naked before you but fully clothed in resplendent glory...or at least Wrangler jeans and a Craft and Barrow shirt...

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