Over the last few weeks, I find more and more reason to disagree with Senator Barrack He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named Obama. He touts himself akin to the Roman mythological figure of Janus as he tries to persuade Americans to accept him as a binding agent in wounds ages old. However, it seems the more he opens his mouth that he resembles Two-Face from Marvel comic fame and arch enemy of Batman and therefore freedom and order.
Senator Obama makes an intersting case study in contradiction. His ancestry puts him in a unique place to make history and do precisely what he claims his mantle entails. However in rhetoric he tells another story. He asserts the role of bridgelayer between the old ways (of which both Senators Clinton and McCain are a part) and the future, which accounts by and large for his popularity among young voters. If he were elected, he would possess not only the power of the presidency and American politics but also power over the future of American culture
On Janus:
Janus was usually depicted with two faces looking in opposite directions. Janus was frequently used to symbolize change and transitions such as the progression of past to future, of one condition to another, of one vision to another, the growing up of young people, and of one universe to another. He was also known as the figure representing time because he could see into the past with one face and into the future with the other. Hence, Janus was worshipped at the beginnings of the harvest and planting times, as well as marriages, births and other beginnings. He was representative of the middle ground between barbarity and civilization, rural country and urban cities, and youth and adulthood.
On Two-Face:
Two-Face was once Harvey Dent, District Attorney of Gotham City and close ally of Batman. After a criminal disfigured half of his face with acid, Dent became the insane crime boss Two-Face who would choose to do either good or evil depending upon the results of flipping a coin — a device which was taken from the 1932 version of Scarface.
Why Obama is no Janus
Senator Obama touts himself as the candidate of change and vision, appealing to the young and supposedly able to bridge the gap between darkness of the past and a bright future. However, everything about Obama is old. He speaks the same things as his opponents and subscribes to inflammatory rhetoric from his racist pastor. Truth is that he is himself a racist. Despite not coming from slaves himself, he resents the way whites treat him. Despite being successful himself, he resents anyone else who is wealthy. His own wife tells other blacks to regress into the past and avoid middle-classdom. He is not a mediator who occupies the middle ground. He is clearly an accolyte of the Black Values System taught by the church he attends, the philosophies of which would divide the nation and tend towards its regression.
How do we know Obama is just deja vu? Consider the way he condescendingly refers to his own grandmother. In an interview following his famous speech, Obama said this:
- "The point I was making was not that my grandmother harbors any racial animosity, but that she is a typical white person. If she sees somebody on the street that she doesn't know (pause) there's a reaction in her that doesn't go away and it comes out in the wrong way."
How can a man who is part white be so blatantly critical? He is a liberal. How do we know Obama is full of hate? Listen to the sermons taught by Rev. Wright. He sells them on the church website. Concerning his pastor, Obama said, "He Strengthens my faith". That man could not strengthen any man's faith with a liteny of hate and accusation. Anyone who comes closer to God after hearing Jeremiah Wright will do so in spite of him and on account of the Spirit which lighteth upon the earnest seeker of truth even when he is surrounded by agents of the Deceiver.
What has he done to change America? Nothing. We don't know anything about what Senator Obama has done with his life, with his money, or with power to influence policy, and the Democrats are about to nominate a non-entity, a Know-Nothing, to be President of the Free World.
As for two-face, I believe that like Harvey Dent Obama had tons of potential. He might be very good at what he does, but what he does is not good for the majority of the people. Much of his policy, what little we can nail him down on with definitive answers, is like Dent insane. From day to day you can flip a coin as to whether Obama will stay true to yesterday's statements or make up new ones. The reason for this is simply that he's told so many lies he can't keep the truth straight anymore.
PS: As of today, despite reports to the contrary, Reverend Wright is STILL listed as pastor on the church's official website. Since I know it will eventually change, I have posted a screenshot as well.

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