22 December 2019

As the Old Year Dies

The end of each year offers us the chance to decide who we desire to be in the next. Sometimes, in order for that to happen we must let go of something- things, habits, people, etc. that prevent this transformation. With an eye to that, I consider in this video why it's hard sometimes for us to let go of people and why we really don't let go, and why they let go of us more easily than we can let go of them. All in all it boils down to this: if it matters, it happens. Nothing truly good ever gets away from us, so if it goes, when you can, it's best if you let it.

06 December 2019

Actions Have Consequences

Today, we explore the principle that you reap what you sow, that actions have consequences, and that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. In this video, using a story from my own life, I talk about the attitudes that drive our actions, the different reactions to consequences and how to change the consequences of your actions (briefly) if you don't like the end of the road. Food for thought as we reach the end of this year and consider who we desire to be in the next.