19 April 2008


If you like what I do, or you'd like to be a part of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit, we welcome sponsors. For now, since there is no campaign per se, no donations are tax deductable, but that will change if I make the campaign official.

I now accepting advertising in addition to it’s current “Google” ads. The goal is still to maintain the readability of the site for all the visitors, while attracting them to outside sites which may be of interest to them. I don’t have set prices, it all depends on what you want.

Image and Text Ads
Please contact me with a proposal for either text or image advertising (125×125, 120×600 blocks). Note that text ads will have the rel=”nofollow” tag attached. Depending on your needs and duration, we can negotiate a price. Please note too that sponsored ads will not be rotated like "Google" ads with screen reloads or new posts.

Commentary and Reviews
My basic philosophy is that I don’t want to present things to my readers that I don’t think they will find useful or which I do not find interesting. So if you have a book, article, or product you want to promote, you are free to send me a sample or copy. If I think it’s applicable or useful, I will review it or blog about it. I won’t accept money for the actual review itself, and I reserve the right to control what I write.

All advertisements are accepted at my personal discretion. I do not allow adult and gambling-related sites, but you can ask about anything else. Worse case scenario I say no thanks.

If you simply want to donate to me personally, you can do so securely via Paypal by clicking the button below:

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