Whether you like tatoos or not, chances are your perception and attitude changes with time. It's one of those things that people hem and haw over for a period before taking the plunge as it were. So many of the people I know with tatoos have them on places obfuscated by clothing, but my favorite is the Tramp Stamp.
If you're getting a tatoo that you intend to hide, chances are your subconscious admits what your attitude and friends deny- you are embarassed. However, the tramp stamp defiantly and blatantly draws attention to a part of the body that invites lewdness and for persons as myself a turnoff. Don't get me wrong- if you have a tatoo, fine by me. However, I find them neither cool nor sexy nor an apt way to memorialize anything in your life, particularly given the fleeting nature of those things most of my friends and associates chose to inscribe upon their dermis.
While for some with the Tramp Stamp, they may desire what comes, I view it as more of a scarlet letter and I don't like it. Furthermore, if you lacked courage sufficient to emplazon your face with a tatoo, I doubt your resolve. If you really believe in expression after that fashion, why try to hide it? You know that it's not a badge of honor, worthy of scorn against you rightly by societal pressures that say such rebellion is unbecomming a lady or gentleman.
The time will come when only ex-Navy personnel, ex-convicts, and prostitutes will sport tatoos. Hardly a company among which I wish to count myself.
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