20 February 2009

In Brief...

What are you willing to trade for your freedom? Quite frankly, I feel we've traded enough already. So if see what I see, if you feel what I feel, then I invite you to join me in November 2010 and we will give them an election that shall never ever be forgot.

I propose an immediate boost in Defense budget by 10% including a 10% pay raise for our fighting men. As one of the few legitimate activities of government, those people tasked with the awful responsibility of bleeding for our liberty need more men and materials with which to do so. We need more men, more weapons, better men, and better weapons. I don't care if we outgun an enemy by far. Give them a broadside. As for the men who do the bleeding, we owe them their health care and their retirement. They were willing to do things most of us would not.

I propose an end to all legislation that attacks the accumulation of wealth. Tired of the assault on private property, I propose we defend it like in the Declaration of Independence. Put an end to Emminent Domain. Drop the corporate income tax to 10% since it's actually a secondary tax passed on to consumers. If we tax the "rich" let's tax the rich, not just those trying to become rich. To that end, I propose a consumption tax like the Boortz Amendment.

As such, it's time to get rid of the progressive income tax which is one of Marx's ten planks. It will make us more prosperous if we abandon this system. It will give the people power because they can refrain from consumption and cripple government largess.

Sunset all departments and agencies. Each must justify your existence and your expenditures every year or suffer elimination. It's high time we stop propping up bureaucracies that can be better administered by the private sector like Amtrack or things which simply ensconce civil servants into a pay scale driven by longevity rather than productivity.

Move federal tax day to election day. This way politicians will have to explain how their policies will affect taxes. Put your money where your mouth is, and campaign on reality, not projection.

I support the Milton Friedman amendment: limit government to a certain % of GDP unless there is a national emergency. Government cannot spend more than that regardless of how much they might otherwise be able to print or borrow.

We will end special legal and tax status for environmental groups that advance an agenda that will destroy us and do not represent the people. They are political movements and do not qualify for these special incentives.

No more tenure for professors and teachers. Let them compete with everyone else. Right to work states should become the norm. We have too many "teachers" who lecture and do not educate. Who tell people what to think but do not equip their students to think. Get the best people to teach our children, not those who've been doing in longest or who are connected to the NEA.

Open campaign financing. Donate whatever you want whenever as long as there's full disclosure instead of loopholes via internet like when Obama received contributions from foreign nationals at home and overseas.

No immigration without assimilation. No chain migration. No anchor babies. Get in line like everyone else. That which we obtain too easily we esteem too lightly. In America the Law is King.

I propose term limits for everyone. The longer politicians and judges sit on their thrones the further their inclinations and actions are from the people whom they ostensibly represent. Legislators should be limited to a total of 20 years in whatever house and judges to the same, no matter what level of court on which they serve.

I support legislative vetos on judges for a check by the people. Otherwise, how do we combat an unelected and unanswerable branch of the government, originally intended to be the weakest according to Jefferson but which has now become final arbiter and deity.

End cap and trade. Safer cars are smart cars. My sister and mother survived a rollover in a Chevy Malibu. I doubt Segue/GM will ever be able to say that. Who cares about gas mileage when you're flying through the air or crushed by an Excursion? The savings in gas is not offset by the risk to human life.

I believe that life is sacred, liberty is precious and property is sacrosanct. People cannot be happy unless they have all three, and I promise to defend them all against all enemies foreign and domestic, so help me God.

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