02 February 2009

Speaking Style

On Sunday afternoon, I got to hear two general authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints speak. Aside from the message they brought, I noticed an overarching difference in tone between these men and political/national leaders in how they perceived the exact same events.

Elder Anderson spoke first of the two, leaving us with an uplifting message of hope. He told us that these are great days, days of untold progress, prosperity, and potential with technology at our fingertips and options to vocations, vacations, and volitions unheard of in any prior era. He told us that these are our days, the days we have to live in and make our own, that we own what happens to us in the days of our probation. He told us that these are THE days, foretold by prophets ancient and modern in which the greatest power of God would be manifest on earth to counter affect the counter indications of the adversary.

Contrast his message with that of President Obama, who painted a picture of doom and gloom. He tells us that these days suck, that we’re in a recession not seen since the 1930s and that things are going to get worse and we’ll have to buckle down. Ignoring every great thing America ever did, only now that he’s president has America overcome the motes in her eye. Gone is his mantra of hope and change, from his cabinet appointees to press coverage to rhetoric, the gap is coming even more quickly than anyone predicted. The bloom is already off the rose.

Elder Anderson and Perry are men of God. Whatever messianic aura Obama’s supporters think he has, they should remember that No man taketh this honor unto himself save he shall be called of God as was Aaron. Moreover, Obama’s going to make things worse. I felt affirmation and confirmation from the general authorities; from Obama, I feel consternation and frustration. By their fruits ye shall know them indeed.

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