2008 Presidential Candidates: Quite frankly, I see very little difference between them. They all show at this juncture equivalent disregard for the principles of the Declaration and seem hell-bent on the recreation of the tyranny from which my ancestors first severed themselves. That being said, I could never, in good conscience, vote FOR a Marxist. Communism is the enemy of the Constitution.
Party: Like Thomas Jefferson, I oppose the very concept of political parties as a rule. That particular topic requires more attention, which I will not give here. I have however been a registered Democrat since 2000.
Abortion: Although I find this practice personally morally irreprehensible, until the citizenry defines life, I am inclined to by virtue of Constitutional restraints, allow where by force of state law such practice is not banned by common consent to allow it. However, I oppose any effort to use public monies towards the payment of any costs associated therewith.
Affirmative Action: If justice must be blind, why then can Congress by statute require that Corporations do the exact opposite? Let the best person be chosen, regardless of race, gender or creed. These types of government interpolations are tyrannies in embryo.
Capital Punishment: As the Constitution allows for this in extreme cases for the most heinous of national crimes, I see no reason to forbid it for any other offense found of moral equivalency by the people. We know that in the case of execution the chances of recidivism are zero, and I would rather punish a few innocent men for capital crimes than allow confessed criminals the opportunity to prey upon more unsuspecting victims without restraints or fear of reciprocity.
Censorship: I find the Alien and Sedition acts most disturbing. However, if you like other nations so much better, I invite you to go there and leave my country alone. It is, said Bill Manders of 780AM KKOH Reno, one of the greatest freedoms we have in America- the freedom to move.
Cuba: It was a mistake to ever set up Castro in power. Until he and his family relinquish hegemony of that land, I do not see any point in discussing the matter further.
Current Administration (Bush/Cheney): No administration will do everything you want it to do. However, the administration is not responsible for everything that happens. Congress, to very large degree, bears responsibility for many of the ills we face. The President simply makes a convenient scapegoat for their own ineptitude.
Current Congress: See above.
Education: I believe that while education is important, it is best left up to the States and Municipalities to determine the course thereof and bear the responsibility therefore. I endorse any movement to dissolve the Department of Education and return the stewardship therefore back to that body that deserves power there over- the people who pay for it.
Energy: I believe in a policy of self-reliance. I also believe that in order for a successful long-term strategy to be possible, we must deal with the present reality and create an immediate alleviation to the current distress. While we offer incentives, not punishments, to businesses to develop alternative energies, it best behoove us to remember that the oil companies are OIL COMPANIES, not solar, wind, hydrogen, etc. companies. It would be silly to call in the CEO of Pepperidge Farm and ask him why he isn't doing more to develop more powerful microprocessors. As for those who advocate silly things like compact fluorescent bulbs, carpooling and the like, I believe that such a policy is only one way to ease strain on families, and not the penultimate or ultimate solution. We cannot conserve our way to greatness.
Flag Burning: Never have. Never will. If you choose to do so, that is your right; until of course by Constitutional Amendment it is not.
Global Warming: I believe that this, like so many other theorems and principles, constitutes a most egregious hysteria of conjecture and projection, reflective of bad science and fear-mongering.
Gun Control: The second Amendment expressly forbids any restrictions of this principle in any form. Why should not the loyal denizens of this land be able to protect themselves with equal competency to those dastardly villains at home and abroad who mean us harm?
Healthcare: Simply put, the government should stay out of this.
Illegal Immigration: Simply put, the government should put a stop to this.
Marijuana Legalization: Let the states decide, but I warn you that the legalization of further narcotics and aphrodisiacs will bring on the calamities akin to those seen now in the wake of repeal of Prohibition.
Minimum Wage: Let the market demand what a man is worth based on his value to the company. Personally, I endorse capitalistic endeavors that reward a man for exceeding his daily allotment and offer incentive to do more things faster. As such, I think the minimum wage does more harm than good.
School Prayer: If Congress, the Courts, and the Inauguration contain a prayer, why are schoolchildren not allowed to pray? Let them worship if they wish. For crying out loud, we facilitate Muslim religious observation in Guantanamo bay while forbidding it to our own citizenry.
Separation of Church and State: ...is different from separation of Religion and State. Like it or not, a man's ideals are influenced by his beliefs. Our Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. Remove from them their right to act religious, and you plant the seeds of despotism at our doors.
Stem Cell Research: has never proven itself more than a federally funded fishing expedition. Dr. Zanjani at the University of Nevada, Reno told me himself that embryonic stem cells were not likely to bear fruit in our lifetime. Our money is best spent elsewhere.
Supreme Court: Since the time of Justice Marshall, the Court has by degrees become the tool for tyranny Jefferson feared it might be. As long as they legislate from the bench, and thereby steal power from Congress, you run the risk of a return to the "suffrage" of Great Britain, against which we fought so many years ago.
Taxes: can never be too low.
The Constitution: is a divinely inspired document. Any attempt to defeat it or ignore it constitutes in my opinion an act of treason against the Majesty of Heaven which I revere above all earthly hegemony.
Unions: Do very little of good for the workers. They mostly serve Union officials and the politicians that serve Union officials' interests. Just look at the Nevada Democrat 2008 Caucus...the Unions made a big stink about having polling places near to union jobs, yet the union workers did not show up to caucus. If Unions cared about their members, they would have done a better job helping them get to the polls.
United Nations: The UN is nothing more than a forum for every nation that has ever or does or will ever hate the USA to beat up on us and exercise power over us. It serves us very little benefit in total.
War in Iraq: was deemed necessary by the current administration for the safety of the citizenry. We are there. Deal with it. Now that we're there, I'd personally like to win.
Welfare: should never have been established as a crutch upon which people came to depend. It should be directed towards returning men to the state in which they lived prior to applying for welfare.
1 comment:
Interesting stuff. I wonder if you'd feel like posting more on the party system, especially the seeming lack of party diversity among devout Christians etc... and your thoughts on that. That has always interested me.
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