25 January 2010

Do You Love Your Children?

Every now and then, I see an RV with some variation of a sticker that disturbs me. It proclaims that they occupants are "out spending their children's inheritance". I have no problem per se with anyone who enjoys the fruit of his own labor, but I have a problem with people who enjoy the fruits of other people's labor.

A dear friend of mine was saddled with the debts her father incurred in his twilight years when he died suddenly about five years ago. Having spent his last days in riotous living, he had liquidated his assets, including his home through a reverse mortgage, without any provisions to cover the debts in the event of his death. Although he had far more holdings than he could possibly spend on such a binge, in the end, when the estate was settled, my friend was left with a debt from her own father in addition to the costs associated with his interment. It left her emotionally and financially bereft, and it took a heavy toll on her.

What parent would bankrupt his own children? Yet, that is exactly what Democrats in office do. They heap fiduciary obligations on the as-yet unborn (while they attempt to abort them) for their own aggrandizement. They never worry about how they will pay for it. There are always more rich people to tax. Yet, they are also often among the rich they propose to tax and they never seem to pay anything.

Government has nothing unless it first takes it from you. There is barely enough wealth produced in this country to cover the expenditures proposed by the current administration assuming that the government confiscatorily took every red cent from every person in this nation. They do this ostensibly in your name.

When the bill comes due, Reid, Pelosi, and perhaps even Obama himself will be long dead. A coworker of mine said it was a "plus-minus": on the plus side, he'll be dead, but on the minus side "my kids and you guys will be saddled with this shit". They don't worry about a fiscal exit strategy. They'll be entombed in effigy before we have to worry about it.

The Constitution was established to free men from bondage. Debt is a bondage. Yet, only one president ever literally reduced the Federal deficit, and he died in 1826. The basic secret to success is this: never spend more than you make. In fat times, put money away for the lean times.

When Joseph went before Pharaoh to interpret his dream, he prophesied seven years of plenty in Egypt followed by seven years of famine. During those years of plenty, the government of Egypt put grain aside, and by so doing Egypt saved much of the known world from starvation. In times of plenty, our government expands itself. That has created a huge deficit that now threatens the livelihood of everyone everywhere. My own governor, who should have laid off state workers last year, finally agrees that if 50% of the state budget pays for salaries and benefits then the state has too many employees. The new expansion must be supported by ever increasing taxes, which don't make any sense at all when people fall on hard economic times.

Do you love your children? What man among you if his son ask him for bread will give him a stone or if he asks for a fish will give him a serpent? Give your children, and the children of your neighbors, an America stronger than the one we were given, prouder than the one we found. Taxes can never be too low. Government can never be too small. The government that governs best governs least, and I believe that.

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