19 January 2011

Day 11: A Favorite Book

Although not my favorite book, per se, the book I most frequently recommend is CS Lewis' "The Screwtape Letters". CS Lewis has long been one of my favorite writers, not only for his reaffirmation of my faith, but also for his introspective into the motivations and reasoning that drive human action. While I recommend Ludwig von Mises’ "Human Action", at over 900 pages, it takes more time to get to the heart of the matter than to read Screwtape. I like Screwtape because, whether you believe in a devil or a god or not, it reveals the conflicting ideas and reasoning that go on behind the scenes in the recesses of human thought. It shows how easily we abandon what is true and how simply we repaint the hues of right to rationalize and justify ourselves. The simple fact of the matter is that we are at war with everyone around us, and whether a Screwtape whispers in our ear or we play Screwtape to ourselves, we deceive ourselves and overcomplicate our lives.

When I read this book, I never do so from cover to cover. It can be a very dark book. However, I am enlightened as I realize that I have recently had similar thoughts or seen people I know and love do similar things and know that awareness is the first part of the cure. I cannot fix a problem of which I am not aware, and as I read Screwtape, I become aware of my weaknesses and poor choices and can better interact with my fellowmen, without deception, without temptation, without an agenda.

In the troughs of our lives, we have opportunity to grow the most. Some of God's choicest children have gone through longer and deeper troughs than any others. Even there, if you fall, He is pleased with your stumblings. Remember that Fear and Faith cannot exist in the same person at the same time. Choose Faith, and you will, as Lewis says, find that fort always ready to come to your defense.

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