01 March 2010

Why I Use a Pseudonym

Like all of you probably have or will experience, there are people on this planet who do not like me. They have imagined up unto themselves offenses protracted against them by me. In an effort to be left alone, I have for virtually all of my adult life used pseudonyms online as a means to protect my privacy where I did not choose to give it away and to keep them from finding me through something as asininely simple as a google search.

The time for that has now ended.

Unlike most people I know who have people who dislike or even hate them, I am unashamed of my past and unafraid for my future. The time has come for me to live up to my potential and do what it was I believe I was born to do. I was born to lead; I was born for glory. Regularly, I ask myself why in Hoboken I intend to do that which I intend to do. Periodically, someone close to me will accuse me of pride. Confidence and aspiration to serve is repectful of God's gifts and plan and a form of humility. God knows how much I would rather be a husband and father than walk the path on which I have decided this year to tred. I hope that in submitting my will to His I will earn His grace and favor and be justified in the end, that as Lincoln said, "the Cause will approve of my efforts".

So why do it? It is the right thing to do. I know of nobody in a position of strength in such as I am to do this. I have been trained, tested, gifted, educated, refined and left divest of anything that might impede my ability to perform to my potential and which might otherwise be subject to attack by my adversaries. Above all that, I have tested my Creator in prayer, fasting, and supplication and gained His endorsement of my plan. Maybe I don't have money or friends or staff to support me. Nevertheless I go forth.

I don't know the end. I am not concerned with that. Even if all He intends is a leap from the lion's head, I will prove my worth.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Good luck!