08 March 2010

Living and Breathing God

As I sat in Fast and Testimony meeting yesterday, I was struck by an interesting thought. Most of the people in the Democrat party and most of the students with whom I interact on a political basis believe that government is the source of all that is good and nothing that is bad. They believe that government is always a servant, beneficial, caring, loving, trusting, trustworthy, etc. They forget that governments, like clocks, are run by men, and that men are only as good as their own personal morality.

It is a fundamental tenant of my faith that "honest and wise men should be sought for diligently, and good men and wise men ye should seek to uphold" in political office. James Madison reminded us that the Constitution was made for a moral and religious people. As such, I remain the best man I know willing and able to say and do what I say and do. Lincoln, who is allegedly Obama's favorite president, spoke of how his people were "too proud to pray to the God that made us".

Liberals believe in a living and breathing Constitution. Why do they disbelieve in a Living and Breathing God?

There is a God in heaven. He knows my name. He knows what I am up to, why, and how much it hurts me to make this sacrifice when I would rather be a husband and father. He knows that because he is my eternal father, and he knows what it's like to be proud of a struggling son. His Son suffered for our sins in Gethsemane, then he rose from the dead with healing in his wings to set people free from sin, from pain, from fear, from death, and from the devil who seeks our misery. To help us understand, they called wise men on earth who speak as prophets. There is a prophet on earth today. I have heard his voice. I know that he speaks for God, and I know that if I obey, I will have peace in this life and eternal life in the world to come.

Living and breathing does not mean that it must change. God is ever beside me because I have tried my whole life to be on his side. If I'm wrong, then it doesn't matter what any of us do because everything is irrelevant, but because I am right, I know that I shall have justice where it is earned and mercy through His Son.

I believe in God as I believe in the noon-day sun, not that I can see it, but that by it I can see everything. --CS Lewis

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