23 March 2010

Obama Did Not Win

"The more you tighten your grip, the more star systems will slip through your fingers." --Princess Leia to Grand Moff Tarkin, Star Wars IV: A New Hope

Obama did not win this fight. In order to win, you have to overcome the opposition. Opposition, by contrast, has GROWN to Democrat social programs. We have
13 States suing the federal government to block this. Virginia and Idaho have passed legislation to prevent this from taking effect. No Republican in Washington voted for the bill. Many Democrats voted against it. That is not a win. This is tyranny.

As this passes, in spite of vehement opposition by phone, email, letter and personal visitation to their offices, the American people are mad. Obama has "signed this bill into law", but as I previously discussed the Slaughter rule is in direct violation to Article I section 7 of the Constitution. If ever we needed Judicial Review, now is the time.

Americans understand that this will harm the country. I have never been more proud to have thrown tea in the harbor. I have never been more proud to have signed the Minuteman Oath in Concord Mass. This only passed because six members of the US Senate were not actually elected by the people. Obama intends to ram his plan down our throats. It was made possible by virtue of these appointments, not by popular election, and if not for that, no bill would have ever been sent to the House.

Previous presidents have almost always surrendered when they saw the people opposed it. Opposition to this will mount. I know of no man more tyrannical than this in the history of American colonization. Not even George III had this kind of nerve. He repealed the Intolerable Acts and the Townsend Acts. The Stamp/Tea Act was a trick, and we didn't buy it.

Obama has now closed a port of call. That was the last straw of George III when he closed the Port of Boston in response to the Tea Party of 1773. By God, I have never been so rassafrassin proud I stood on that bridge last fall and threw tea in the harbor. Mr. President, I am coming for you. I hope you enjoy the last few years of your only term.

I am not really a fan of the "Anybody but Harry" movement because that's a dangerous attitude, but I cannot conceive of a worse man for the job than Barrack Hussein Obama. "The world will sing of an English King 1000 years from now, and not because he passed some laws or had that lofty brow. Incredible as he is inept, whenever the history books are kept they'll call him the phoney king of England. A pox on the phony king of England."

A plague of both your houses, Mr. President. “And thus I clothe my naked villany With odd old ends stol’n out of holy writ, And seem a saint, when most I play the devil.” King Richard III Act I, Scene iii.

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