24 November 2010

Forgiving a Traitor

If you haven't yet, you will, as I have, eventually know someone rather well who will turn and wound you. Sometimes it will be on accident; often it is on purpose. I will admit that I wrestle to know exactly what I would do if, as Richard Rich did to Thomas More, on the testimony of a friend I were condemned falsely to the block. I don't know what I would ask be done with a man who had raped or murdered my beloved or my child. I don't really know what should be done about a traitor.

Capital punishment leads to zero recidivism, especially when it is lethal. Since I could not actually pull the lever or the trigger to execute another, I do not feel that I can advocate it.

Among the greatest and most noble tenants of the Christian faith is that of forgiveness. Recently, I was falsely accused of something and forced before a tribunal of sorts. Instead of taking advantage of an opportunity to go after this person in retribution, I have decided to let it go. There is nothing personally to be gained by making a mountain out of this molehill, and "ye know not but what they will return and repent, and come unto me with full purpose of heart, and I shall heal them; and ye shall be the means of bringing salvation unto them." If I do something offensive, there will not be contrition later when they realize they were wrong, and then I will be the one who caused the wrong.

People have and probably will continue to wrong me. I could have a little justice now, in which I would be completely justified, or I can take the road less traveled and be noble. Not that I believe that you give a thief a key to the safe or let murderers buy guns in the open, but I know my weaknesses, and so I will forgive others as I hope that Christ will forgive me.

1 comment:

Jan said...

Honestly, I think there are two main reasons I am learning to forgive: one is that it truly only hurts me when I don't, and then the same reason you stated in the post -- that I want the forgiveness I need from the Savior. Love your thoughts!