15 September 2010

Harry Holds Soldiers Hostage

Harry Reid announced yesterday that he will hold up a defense appropriations bill in order to attach the Dream Act Amendment. While our soldiers are in harm's way, he will DENY them bullets, bodyarmor, and billeting in order to buy votes from illegal aliens.

As far as I can tell, Reid gives his current constituents the finger every time he turns around. He is more interested in garnering favor from a putative pool of political support than from those he currently has. It is a GROSS misapplication of his power to deny the troops the funding they need for a war for which he voted unless Republicans pay the ransom and give him what he wants.

Democrats regularly pull this kind of shenanigan. My father has told me of repeated bandaid funding measures to keep the Dept of Defense afloat while Congress dicks around. Meanwhile, men fight and bleed and die, just like they did under General George Washington and perish for want of food and footware. Washington and Adams were almost constantly livid with the War Department of 1776-1787 because it daunted the freemen who volunteered and were rarely compensated only to suffer continued privations.

If this is the kind of person you want, a man who holds our own soldiers hostage to satiate his will, then vote for Reid. Once again, he has shown that whatever utility he had in my youth has gone the way of the Dodo and that he is out of touch and out of line.


ablur said...

I really don't see how Reid can poll so well in Nevada. He is determined to weaken if not destroy this nation. The citizens of Nevada should be embarrassed not embracing.

Doug Funny said...

I don't get it either. The only thing I can say is that people aren't 'excited about Angle'. Ok, she's not great, but Harry is a DISASTER. I suspect a lot of people will vote for "None of the Above", each of which is a vote for Harry Reid.

The other guess I have is that polls are no longer reflections of the people but projections of the pollsters onto the people. They want to dispirit people so they won't turn out to vote, and that might work too.

I am embarrassed by Reid. If he wins, it will be a black mark on the people of Nevada. He already got 'one more chance', and look what it got us.

ablur said...

With the wave of excitement being generated by the Tea Party candidates that have bucked the main line, you may yet have hope.