21 September 2010

Barack and Breast Cancer

Tipped off by a friend's Twitter account, I found an article about drugs by Roche LLC of Germany and the FDA. We already know one way in which Obamacare will do the opposite of what it promised, and this with breast cancer victims, some of which I personally know. I actually worked intimately with some individuals in clinical R&D who were working on it, specifically with Her2neu markers among other things.

Obamacare involves cost rationing. In other words, if they deem it too expensive of a treatment, they will not let you get it. If nobody gets it, companies like Roche will not manufacture it. If it does not get manufactured, it will never get cheaper, and you will be denied quality care from drugs that will actually help you.

Most Medicaire costs fall to the state in which you live. In some states, Medicaire costs are as high as 50% of state budgets. With most states in financial trouble, tax increases on the horizon and insurance rate hikes to either cope with corporate or union wages, care will almost
surely be rationed. This article says that the FDA is no longer concerned with safety or side effects but demonstrates that the decision to approve the drug revolves around its COST.

Health care is for the sick. The whole need no physician. Yet, if you're sick, you will cost them money, and they don't want that. They want your money. Under Obamacare, you can't get it even if you can personally afford it. You have no choice. They already made it, and you will die.

Anyone who has breast cancer who votes to return the Democrats to power helps sign their own death certificate. Now you know.

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