25 October 2010

I Live a Good Life

I have been aware of late that my life is pretty good. I'm not boasting that I live The Good Life, because I don't swim in champagne or take lavish vacations to Spain. However, with the proper perspective, I live a pretty good life.

My needs are small. I have a narrow bandwidth of interests and activities, as I spend most of my days at work and a significant portion of my free time working out outside, and so my costs for entertainment are pretty fixed. When I move, I will probably buy the exact same things for meals every week and just rotate what I eat at what time. I don't have to worry about satiating the culinary appetites of anyone but myself and my dog, and since we're neither terribly picky, we'll probably eat simply and with a great deal of predictability. I also like to wear things out, if you've seen my car or my clothes, because I'm not out to impress other people. For years I have been told that it's what's on the inside that counts, and I know I'm awesome.

I have freedom. My job is a great job. If I want to, I can leave at 5PM and leave my work there (as long as what needs to be done got done). I have weekends and holidays off, and although I would like to be other than single, because I am I am free to spend time doing and in the company of whatever and whomever respectively I choose. Sure, I have responsibilities that render me less 'spontaneous' than others, but I also have free time and free funds with which to take a camping trip out of state for a week or go to the fair if I like or take in a show on the Strip periodically(they're pricey). I am no longer in school and at work like many of them, and being single I worry little about appeasing someone else. Dr. Seuss taught me to be myself, and if other people want to be accepted as they are, they shall have to return the favor.

Company staves off loneliness. I will confess that living in the Vegas valley has been better than other places. For the past five years, I have regularly taken short day trips or road trips to see the state, photograph historical sights, and get away from work. Before I moved here, people told me they wanted to come, but when it came down to it, very few ever came along. Now, I regularly have company, even if they're not the people with whom I would like to hang out, and so I get to share my adventures with other people.

So, some months I save, and some months I 'invest' my savings in experience. I say that I live a good life because I am not trapped in a mine in Chile or living homeless on the streets of town. I say that I live a good life because at the end of the month there is money left over, not just after what I must pay but also after some things I choose to pay. I say that I live a good life because I am blessed Intellectually, Spiritually, Financially, Vocationally, Educationally, Personally, and Physically, because I like my life, what I do, and where I find myself at present. I could focus on being single, but that won't help. Besides, a close friend pointed out the following:

If I am down, I am just being ungrateful. If I think of all the blessings I have been given, I realize there is every reason to be happy.

There is every reason to be happy. I live a good life. Sure, maybe I'm not as rich as I like or blessed with children like I would like, but I am in a good place. That is why I say this.

Anyone who knows me knows I'm not into the champagne/caviar lifestyle anyway. I realize that I am blessed, and this perspective gives me peace.


Jan said...

I love these thoughts. I have a great life too. It's not perfect - -(but what is, right?)-- there are some things that could be better. But in general, I am richly blessed and I too am grateful.

ablur said...

There is a lot to say about being content. Finding satisfaction in what you have is a rare and noble thing.