02 October 2008

Why I'm Not Surprised


Every election, we look forward to the October surprise. Although the month is still young, I believe it boils down to a surprise occasioned by another surprise- the nomination of Sarah Palin. I doubt the Democrats were readily equipped to combat this eventuality, but they’ve spared no expense trying to unravel McCain-Palin in conjunction with their allies in the media who look for the mote in McCain while ignoring the beam in Obama.

After the first debate, surprise Obama pulls ahead. As before, he said a lot about nothing and was not asked to explain anything. In his ads, with which Nevada has been peppered, he always refers us to his website. Maybe it’s because David Axelrod (staffer from the Clinton administration) hasn’t finished it yet, and so by the time we log on it will be uploaded. I don’t think Obama could survive without prepared statements and notecards. Beyond that, if I had friends like Ayers, Wright, and company, Homeland Security would simply shred my application for a security clearance. Yet, he thinks he can be trusted with the safety and security of the nation? DHS will however have to give him one if he’s elected, despite the fact that he’d never qualify in any other way.

Less than 45 days from the election, and surprise, the do-nothing congress finally starts dressing up legislation as “energy independence” and “fiscal solvency” when they had YEARS to do so to forestall this eventuality and didn’t. Right now we’re also embroiled in the bailout, which comes as no surprise to anyone except apparently congressmen, since I’ve known since I sold my house in 2005 that the housing market was on the decline. Reid and Pelosi spent their time in votes of no importance, and now, instead of doing what they ought, they stick their noses into everything in which they have no right whatsoever to meddle.

Tonight is the Palin-Biden debate, and Biden is already the projected winner. Biden spent his entire career and my entire life as a senator, yet what bills has he passed worth remembering? What exactly does he do? Does age equate with experience directly and does quantity of experience matter more than quality? I heard someone say he has government experience, but that’s not true; he has experience in the Senate, and NOWHERE ELSE. I think I’m more qualified than he is.

As they continue pointing out motes in the republican nominees, meanwhile, all the Democrats in the Senate behind the companies failing are getting a pass and not being brought up on charges. The media, and even Obama himself, seem quite happy to ignore Biden’s outlandish statements every time he opens his mouth. He is contrarian. If Rush is right, Sunday Biden will be replaced, especially if he loses the debate, but there’s little risk of that. Tie goes to the Liberal.

What else will happen tomorrow? Oh wait, we still have the results from the DA’s investigation of Palin in AK. They promised that by what, the 23rd of October?

Stay tuned.

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