14 October 2008

Unqualified to Be President

Quite frankly, I am more qualified than Barack Obama to be President of the United States, aside of course from my age (I am 29).

My boss told me when my resume came across the desk, one thing that stood out is that I wrote on there, as a vestigial remainder from all of the federal job applications I filled out that required it:
I solemnly swear that I am a US Citizen.

Can Obama say that? My mother sent me a link to a video that I find particularly interesting calling into question Obama's qualifications to be president, highlighting a court case in Pennsylvania forcing him to prove his citizenship. When challenged with similar allegations, John McCain produced the records. The last thought is the most probative: If you have nothing to hide, Mr. Obama, why won't you just comply with the court's order?

Aside from that, what has Obama accomplished? We know about all the things he wants to do, but what about what he's actually done. In my life, I have accomplished more than he has, and that's really sad.

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