28 April 2010

"No Papers": the Impact of AZ

Many people are worried about the "unfair racial profiling" that they assume will be evident under Arizona's new immigration law. Among the lies propagated by those who never bothered to read the law:

"any mexican can be bothered for any reason at any moment"
"reminds them of Nazi Germany"

I ask, if it's so bad, why are they flooding into Arizona? If it were Nazi Germany or even closely resembled it, they would fall all over themselves to get out. I have met some actual Nazis, former SS officers, and they give me the heeby-geebies. I could hardly wait to vacate their presence.

Arizona law, while stringent, is still more lax than that of our neighbor to the south. Mexican immigration policy includes some of the following:
-every US citizen must present a passport to travel to Mexico beyond the border zone as of 1 Mar 2010. That's like Arizona! Gasp.
-stays that last longer than 12 hours or that involve commerce require a VISA
-you must carry a valid passport with you at all times in Mexico

Let's also remember that they can tell who we are when we get there. I stick out like a sore thumb. Their laws must be perfect because we never hear complaints about immigration in other nations. Excuse me for being an American. All we ever did was spill our blood to save you from slavery, Nazi Germany, and Al Qaeda.

When I lived in Austria, they could tell I wasn't Austrian. By the time I left, many of them thought I was Dutch or Swiss, but they still required me to present my passport. When I left Austria, I spoke German so well that the customs agent was surprised that I had an American passport, but I LOOK GERMANIC, and that is the only way I could have imagined to escape detection. When President Clinton ordered the bombing of Bosnia under Milosevic, I was living in Austria, and they asked us to "blend in". I told the official that such a notion was all but impossible even for Americans.

Austrian immigration policy, as I perceived it, is even worse than Mexico's. I was regularly required to produce my passport. Many times, the eagle on the obverse sufficed to quench any trouble since the Austrians are loathe to mess with the United States. If not for the unrestricted European Union travel VISA I obtained, I imagine they would have harassed me. When they saw that sticker in my passport, they were always surprised, and they let me go without incident.

Saturday, a policeman in my area pulled me over. He was checking to see if my temporary 30 day tag on my car matched the VIN. I am clearly white, as was he. It was not about racial profiling. He was looking for revenue most likely or for an easy collar. I got away scott free because I kept the law. He did not know my race before he pulled me over. He pulled me over on suspicion of a crime. I have no sympathy for people who commit crimes who jump through hoops with the police when they are caught, especially if they are here illegally without regard for race, religion, or gender.

This is a question of whether you are for law and order or whether you are for anarchy. You cannot go to any other country, settle down, buy a home, send your kids to school, use their hospital facilities, apply for welfare, obtain a job, etc., without the proper paperwork. If you try, they will arrest you, detain you, annoy you, and deport you. American immigration policy is nowhere near that of Nazi Germany. Arizona asks nothing more of its residents than is asked of citizens anywhere else. When we use credit cards, go to the hospital, drive our cars, we are REQUIRED to present the proper paperwork to prove our identity, our coverage, and our ownership of our own goods. Why is it acceptable to harass the citizens more than it is to harass those who are here illegally? You worry about unintended consequences for some people when nobody worries about inconveniences to me.

I respect the citizen. I represent the citizen. The Constitution is written for the citizens. Until we control the border, people will come here who otherwise would not and could not. It does not solve the problem to make those who break our law citizens. Without law and order, we risk a return to the medieval mindset. So you say it "reminds you of the segregated south" or "Nazi Germany". When were you ever in a segregated south or Nazi Germany? How in Hoboken would you know? Who will speak out for the legal immigrant? For the law-abiding citizen? I am not interested in a putative future constituency. I am interested in those citizens who right now cast their ballot and pay the bulk of taxes and do the bulk of the work that makes America great.

If you follow the law, may God bless and prosper you. If you are here with intent to disregard our law, no matter your nation of origin, then please stay away.

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