23 April 2010

If it Rained Men...

For some inexplicable reason, I've had this song in my head lately. I realized that it wouldn't be a good idea for the women who seek the men or the men who would fall from the sky. Good men grow up in good homes with good parents. They are rare. They will never fall from the sky, and you wouldn't want them to anyway.

If men fell from the sky it would be a bad thing for everyone. If you drop a body that weighs 160lbs from several thousand feet in the sky at 9.8 m/s/s acceleration, they would all be traveling fast enough when they hit the ground, the only ones that would survive would fall on trampolines or in pools or in other bodies of water or maybe in pillow factories. Every other guy would probably die on impact with the ground.

The reason this causes more problems than it solves is because of the body count. After all those corpses hit the ground, someone will have to clean them all up.

Be careful what you wish for. Remember your umbrellas.

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