25 September 2009

...Apparently Not I

When I went up to the department office at work yesterday just before noon, I ran across the department chair who bore bad news. Apparently, after this semester, I will no longer be allowed to teach until the furlough program created by the governor to alleviate state expenditures comes to an end. It technically counts as "overtime" and by the governor's mandate, no state employee is allowed to work overtime. They grandfathered me in for this semester since it's already underway, but I will no longer be teaching your children until further notice.

The good news is that Dr. J gave me the impression that once the crisis ends I will return to the opportunity. We fear more or greater cuts in the future, and I don't budget based on the teaching money, but it sounded like I will return to the classroom as soon as the governor will let me.

Let me impress upon you that this mandate comes from somewhere higher up than the department. Ultimately, it goes back to Governor Gibbons who, instead of cutting excess personnel, hit all of us with a shotgun blast.

Unfortunately for the students we serve, this means that students will suffer. Instead of professors who love teaching and excel at it, they will sit in class with teachers like Professor O, who are present physically but whose ultimate motives seem to lie somewhere other than in the presentation of an education to the students.

I have enjoyed very much the opportunity to work with these fine young men and women. With this new knowledge, I promise to dedicate myself more fully for the remaining 27 hours I have in class with them and give them the best I can to spur them to success now and in the future.

On my honor.

Hopefully some day soon I will return to the classroom. Meanwhile, I will do my best to do my duty in the office to which I am appointed with due diligence.

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