12 February 2016

Something's Got To Give

February isn't even half way over, and I'm already swamped this semester. I have several partially started articles I will probably never finish because I get started and then get distracted. I'm burning the candle at both ends this term, and it's all I can do sometimes to drum up enough motivation to work each evening on things that are not both urgent and important after a long day of chemistry and teaching. There's not much time for fun, but I would like to invite people to things or join people for things, and have people join me. I actually went out tonight but couldn't get anyone to join me, but at least I did better than my buddy who went out tonight and found out the girl he was chatting up was actually a hooker. Better him than I.

Work keeps me busy. I had quite a bit to do today at work. We are "lucky" in chemistry because we can schedule classes around holidays and not lose instructional days during the semester as much as other disciplines. This does however mean that I get to prep labs, teach labs, prep lectures, write my own tests, etc. Since the microbiology class I'm teaching doesn't have an official lab manual, I'm making it up as I go, so I scanned the files so the students can have them in advance of next Tuesday and notify prep so they can get everything ready. Since I don't like to do scantrons or reuse tests, I have to write three BRAND NEW EXAMS this week. Then there was driving, cleaning, etc., and by the time the day ended, I had about ten minutes to sit down and collect my thoughts before I headed home.

Family keeps me busy. My parents sold their house and started looking for a new one. Most of the "free time" I have involves me going over to help them move things, pack things, disassemble things, and help them clear out by the end of the month. Since they are moving in with me when they sell their house, I've set myself to finally work on some organization in my house and rearrange things so that my new tenants won't be hindered or whatever. It will be an adjustment for all of us. They are accustomed to being in charge, and I am accustomed to being alone. They have much nicer accomodations than I can provide, but I owe them my help if I can, so they are welcome. It will be nice to have a second pair of hands to help or a warm body here if repairs are needed. I work six days per week, and so they will actually be "home" more often than I will. That is peace of mind and comfort since someone will be here when I am away.

Chores keep me busy. I'm still trying to make time to work on my car. In addition to the wheel bearing (which stopped whining at me) and the brakes (which haven't started whining at me yet), I also have a loss of power. Odds are it's a spark plug or something simple, but I will have to park the car, pull things apart, and work on it, and I don't get a lot of daylight during which to achieve these grandiose plans. Eventually, I want to plant more things in the garden and adjust the watering. During my last minutes at work, I made a list today of the "chores" I need to attend at home like fixing the back door, replacing the garbage disposal, fixing the toilet, fixing the refrigerator, finding out why the heat doesn't cycle in the house. Eventually I will need to smog the cars and buy new tires for the malibu, and of course everyone's business hours are when I am also at work, so I have to find a way to squeeze things in somewhere.

Consequently, this blog languishes, and things I don't have to do go undone. I have three toilets, I can wear more clothes to keep warm, and I have two cars, so if I don't have to fix something I don't. For Spring Break, I will probably use the time to finish chores rather than have any fun, but I may also have to take a day off in order to meet up with the warranty repairmen and sit around. If it is to be, it is up to me, and so I'm sacrificing things here to take care of things elsewhere. I wish I had some grandiose insight to share or whatever, and I wish my life were more exciting. However, I am adult enough to realize that most of adulthood is routine and responsibility. Many young people I meet are trying to run away from that realization, and since I accept it they eschew me as well. So tonight I went and did something I enjoy by myself because I wanted to. I saw Hamlet. I am true to myself, and I've had to let other things and other people go.

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