21 February 2016

Prison Reform is Child's Play

Prisons bleed money from the population and provide little by way of return. As we piss away money containing and entertaining some of the worst among us, resources are drained from those likely to provide a return on our investment in time and treasure- our young people. Some will argue to increase the funds for youth; we can do that by cutting funds and programs for convicted among us. They luxuriate at our expense. Even some people get arrested on purpose in order to get access to free health care, three hots and a cot. I know that maybe I will eat my words, but if I ever end up in prison, I expect the worst of treatment. If I end up there it's because the law is dead.

Allow only the same educational opportunities for prisoners that we allow to children. Education through the end of high school being mandatory and provided by the state, the only education prisoners should be able to attain is a GED. They do not need any more. If our children are only worthy of education up through the 12th grade, why allow prisoners any formal education or certifications beyond that level? If they desire to learn things beyond that level, let them learn it through books available in the library or through correspondence courses, assuming they are able to pay for those courses at their own expense.

Apply the same laws for prison labor that we have for child labor. Rather than pay prisoners for their work, provide them with prison store credit. This will eliminate not only any currency exchange towards contraband as well as disavow any possessions not available through the prison store. Anything else not related to prison or available there should be contraband confiscatable just as children caught with materials or goods exigent to the school environment risk having them taken until they leave school.

Quiet the din of dissonance. Children aren't technically adults and have no legal rights. Felons by definition relinquish them with their convictions. Felons shouldn't be allowed to complain. Felons shouldn't be allowed too much access to the outside world. Students in school have a limited amount of computer access per week, and many places disallow the use of any electronic devices during the day. During their stay, prisoners should know the deprivation that comes

Reduce their recreation time. School children typically receive only 45 minutes of recess per day. Limit prisoners to that much time for exercise/gym/yard activity. If it grows more precious, they will either learn to use it well or suffer the concomitant consequence. No longer able to bulk up and work out at their leisure, they will get sufficient access daily to meet the 30min 2x/wk standard set by the government for fitness and still have "plenty" of time for fresh air on a weekly basis. Furthermore, provide only the same recreational facilities available to schools- sport courts, limited weights, a track, etc. If we aren't willing to spend it on our children, why waste it on our felons?

Desist feeding prisoners the smorgasbord to which they became accustomed and which allows them to grow lean and mean. If what Michelle Obama demands our children eat for lunch suffices for our children, it should suffice for felons. Feed them the same types of foods, in the same amounts, that we force in school lunches around the country. Provide only the number of calories necessary for sustenance. They are confined. They do not need the nourishment to survive, and they certainly don't need that much if restricted to the aforementioned activity level. Disallow any outside food. Our children aren't allowed sugary treats and sweets, and they certainly can't have liquor or cigarettes, and so if it's good enough for our children, it should be good enough for them.

We allow too much to our prisoners and expect too little. Prison is not a vacation. It's a punishment. At the same time we talk about what's good for the children, we offer far more to people who defy our laws with reckless impunity. If it's good enough for the children, it is more than good enough for the prisoners. We are surrounded by men either too stupid or unwilling to see it as it is. Here are some ideas. It really is simple. Think of the children. Then apply the same standard.

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