03 February 2012

Susan G Komen = Heroes

I am actually more inclined to support the Komen foundation since their divestiture from Planned Parenthood. I have always been empathetic, albeit not a participant. Pink isn't really a great color on me, although I have one pink shirt and once had a pink tie, and so I am more a supporter by proxy than by donation. However, my family is intimately involved and impacted by this, and so I have long been concerned about breast cancer.

What gets me is how quick people were to assume that the decision by the Komen Foundation proves they are a fraud. Komen has long been under scrutiny given the low rate on return for the investment, but that's partially because fixing cancer begins at the individual level. An ounce of prevention is worth a ton of cure, and if more people engaged in activities that led to better health, that would lower the rate of cancer more than anything the scientists can do.

I could not believe how fast the Facebook attacks began. I cannot help but assume that the attacks were emotional rather than rational given the speed and scope of the assault. Women and the men who also piped up who sided immediately with Planned Parenthood never make sense to me. Allegedly these women are for women's rights. They talk about advancing women, then they criticize the Captain of that Italian cruise ship for going first to the lifeboats. If you want to be treated as equals like men, quit whining. Also, I am a geneticist. Statistically speaking, half the fetuses they have aborted were women, which means that the claim to be for all women is a lie. Women's liberation movements only care about certain women. They were very opposed to the notion that Palin give birth to Trig and to Bristol's pregnancy. What about a woman's 'right to choose'? By right to choose they mean "Right to Abortion" and demand that every woman they possibly can persuade to get one. The Palins and the Santorums and many others wanted to have children. That is family values.

I have seen the rebuttal from Planned Parenthood's leader. She was clad in garb that accentuated her femininity. That's hardly the image conjured by the notion of equal sexes, because I happen to know that I look awful in a dress. I began to wonder what PLanned Parenthood really represents if that woman is the face and head of the organization. For that matter, does Planned Parenthood perform mammograms? The very name implies something else, awash with contraceptives, advice on how to manage pregnancies, etc., anything and everything to do with 'population control' and not necessarily with the well-being of the population as currently constituted. Oh, they will guise their naked villainy with odd old ends stolen forth from holy writ, but I wager they only seem the saint when most they play the devil.

Contraception exists to prevent the consequences of copulation. Humans are the only species of which I am aware that has sex for recreation. Isaac Asimov thought this odd, and in one of his novels, I think Bicentennial Man, his robot asks somewhat parenthetically "Human beings do this for fun? It sounds painful and messy", and he's exactly right. Its very purpose is to perpetuate the species and replace the current humans hopefully with ones better able to survive genetically whatever faces them tomorrow. I don't think that's what Planned Parenthood is really about.

The nature of the two foundations is different. Unlike the Komen Foundation which at least has scientists on retainer, I wonder how many scientists are employed by Planned Parenthood. Komen is a charity; Planned Parenthood is supported directly by tax dollars, despite the moral opposition from groups that protest the notion of paying for something they find morally repugnant. How many of PP's claims or the anger of those who foment this crisis are based in science? While working at ARUP, I worked briefly on an R&D project related to breast cancer. Some research links abortions to increased risk of breast cancer. If this research is true, planned parenthood and Komen are at odds from the very core of their missions!

I can only guess at the true motives of executives at Komen. They brought on some pro-birth advocate to their board of directors, but Planned Parenthood is loaded up with people who think that abortion should not only be common but that it should be funded by taxpayers. I have even heard audio from Mitt Romney supporting that notion. We have begun as a society to believe in human sacrifice but pat ourselves on the back because it's done, not at an altar in all its blood and gore, but in a clinic. It's still the same to me. Komen is out there saving not only women but the children they bear.

Motherhood is a partnership with God. Life is sacred. I don't know how you compromise on this. Either you are for new life or you are for its extinction. Yet, they dress themselves up as 'for the planet' and they foster the survival of other species at the cost of our own. I do not know how you can say you care for life and protect trees, bugs, and whales while you turn a blind eye to or directly advocate the slaughter of innocent human babies. They are not "Pro-Choice"; they are "Pro-Authoritarianism", and they will persuade every parent possible to abort their children. This is expressly repugnant in the eyes of God, and some day they may have to answer to all the younglings they slaughtered.

I am pro-life, for all life. I am also pro-family. I love children, and those who know me know how much I would like to have some of my own some day. What a shame that people who can reproduce wish they couldn't for the sake of pleasure. That's so selfish. You monarchists want people and society to be better? Start acting with true altruism like you exact from us and protect children, who cannot possibly protect themselves.

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