08 February 2012

Girls Who Wear Rings

A few semesters ago, I came into class one night and noticed something different about a young lady in the front row. She was wearing a ring on her left ring finger, so I congratulated her on her engagement. Then she told me that she wears that to keep the creepy stalker guys away.

I have news for you. That really keeps the best guys away. A man of good morals will immediately lose interest in a woman when he sees her wearing a ring. Actually, the best of men don't even need a ring; if you mention your boyfriend or fiancee or whatever, they will immediately put you in the friend zone. It is not part of real manhood to steal a friend's girl. You see, that title or token means that she is the property of someone else, and good men do not covet or steal their neighbor's property or family. In the eyes of a good man, you render yourself all but invisible as you attempt to drive away some of the guys who press you and don't know how to accept 'no' as an answer.

Plus, the ring attracts a whole new kind of miscreant. See, there are the guys who like the challenge, who like the pursuit, and they purposefully go looking for girls they can steal, not because they actually desire to keep them, but because it's a kind of sport to take a girl from another guy. This is actually worse than that creepy guy who loves you far too much.

Some of the creepy guys will never understand. However, this is a pretty sure-fire way to drive away the very best of potential mates. When I see a girl with a ring, I am no longer interested. Now, I have friends who tell me that if I want to get hit on, I should wear a ring, but I'm not interested in a girl either who is interested in a guy who is already taken. That's not a sign of respect; it's a sign that they are selfish. Creepy guys might be creepy, but they're not usually predators or players.

The problem with playing games is that it attracts the kind of guy who likes to play games. This is the ultimate game for some guys- capture the flag. They don't want to keep the flag. They get their joy from stealing it from the other team. Some girls, sadly, encourage the game. For some reason they get joy out of watching guys battle it out to see who's more worthy. However exciting that might be, it sets you up to be with a guy who treats you as an object rather than an agent, a partner, a person. You are not some prize to be won, but sometimes you encourage the type of guy to court you who will regard you as such.

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