28 April 2011

Same Currency Scam

As the President blames oil prices on speculators and our economic struggles on plagues, war, and evil corporations, we all wonder what can be done. The irony is that this is the same old game played by governments throughout time and is one of the reasons for which the Founders established a Constitutional republic. Politicians continue to ignore the solutions that will actually alleviate the crisis in favor of same old lang synes. While they fiddle, you get poorer. Most of this is because they force you to use paper money.

Roger Sherman came from New Haven, CN, to help draft the US Constitution. It has been said, although I don't have the ability to prove it at present, that Thomas Jefferson called him "a man who has never said a foolish thing in his life". He was instrumental to article 1 section 10 of the US Constitution, but the wording in that article has an older history.

In 1752, he wrote "A Caveate Against Injustice" in which he blasted the inflation and use of paper money for the payment of debts. At the time, vestiges of paper bills were still floating around in the Americas from every colonial power that had ever claimed land or transacted major trade. From the Dutch to the French, to even colonial powers, everyone had done this to keep things simple. Even worse, the British Crown had made it illegal for the colonies to mint coins, making them reliant on the arrival of numismatic materials from the mother country while still holding prices the same, despite the scarcity of coin.

Although the Connecticut Legislature took effect to prevent depreciation of paper currency, the other bills were another problem. Like our government is currently doing to encourage economic growth, Sherman wrote "some of those Governments having issued much larger sums of Bills than were necessary to supply themselves with a competent medium of exchange, and not having supplied their Treasuries with any Fund for the maintaining of Credit of such Bills" occasioned embarassment and injustice. Even he wrote "widows and orphans have been great Sufferers thereby" echoing the oft touted media phrase "women and minorities hardest hit". Today, our government has issued much larger sums of bills than the funds in the treasury can support. Much of this is accomplished with clever accounting, the same kind of thing that is villified in hollywood movies and usually lands corporate tycoons in jail or the grave.

Who's doing this to you? Your own government. It isn't speculators or businessmen or God, unless the speculator is the president who is out seeing if something will work. Obama regards the economy as a federally funded fishing expedition.

In 1933, FDR wrote an executive order (EO6102) that forced all Americans to surrender gold currency and trade it for "an equivalent amount of any other form of coin or currency coined or issued under the laws". Now we are held prisoner of paper currency. What this means for you is that your dollars are worth less in terms of buying power with every Quantitive Easing, which is washingtonish for "printing more paper". Our government is now guilty of the same thing that precipitated an article of the Constitution they are obligated to uphold and defend.

You may say that you have gold or stocks that are worth money. Well, that's not really true. Gold is only valuable if someone can trade it for something they want. Stocks are up because the dollar is weaker, not because the businesses are worth more. Gas is partially more expensive because the dollar is weaker, in addition to other direct government interferances. Beware the temptation to trust in Gold. Like all laws, the current gold standard was written by men. Men have violated their oaths and promises for millennia, and politicians make promises as if they were Hershey kisses. If you want to secure your family's future, get out of debt, then establish yourself to be as self-sufficient as possible, and then store whatever you can. Governments and the money they print cannot save you, and God can only multiply your oil and meal if you first store up some.

For decades, I have heard the sage advice to get out of debt. Even if you have meager means, if you don't have to pay anyone, you can sometimes eke out an existence. This is why I really don't get when women go after guys without practical skills, because those are going to be the guys who are worst off in a technobubble or further economic depression, because at least farmers can grow food. I know farming isn't sexy, but it keeps you alive. Then again, we no longer have to worry about survival, and so we no longer make decisions based on that moniker. Perhaps to our detriment.

So what do you do? We need some kind of standard. Maybe you don't like Paul Ryan's budget. When, since 2010, have the Democrats even offered an alternative? Maybe you like your wage and want to keep it. That's fine, but it won't cut the mustard if a roll of toilet paper rises to $1000 like it did in Russia. The more the plans fail, the more the planners plan. Sherman's paper shows that this is the same problem we had centuries ago, and they want to solve it with the thing that caused the problem in Connecticut in the first place.

I see no clear way in which it is possible to believe in the Declaration of Independence and the US Constitution and be a socialist. You are either for freedom, or you are against it. It really is that simple. What our government is doing is a scam, and you will be rendered poor because of it. Question politicians. Look at what they do and why and if it's been done before. I might have wasted years in graduate school repeating things already done if I hadn't searched the literature myself. Do your own homework. That's always my best advice.

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, it expects what never was and never can be." --Thomas Jefferson

1 comment:

Amanda Schalau said...

I feel the same frustration with the way things are headed and I worry about the America our children are going to grow up in. Thanks for your Blog -