20 July 2010

China's Oil Spill: WORSE

While our president, the media, and a few hand-picked individuals bemoan the disaster of the BP oil spill in the gulf almost three months ago, they ignore China. The pictures are phenomenal, which is why I stole this one offline because I want you to be able to see it once Yahoo takes it down.
None of the crude 'oozing' or 'spewing' from the well BP lost looks this bad.

We're having trouble finding oil at see. The tar balls are sporadic. BP dropped a chemical to dispurse much of it. Ships from skimming operations are being redeployed because there isn't much oil near the leak. They cannot find it in the Gulf if they look. They aren't even looking at China.

In America, we lost jobs. In China, they lose people. Chinese workers are out there with straw and chopsticks as they face oil that is already hardening. Their efforts are inefficient, and yet they hope to have it cleaned up in five days. How come they can do that in five days and it took Obama almost three months? If we were allowed to drill closer to land, it would be easier to stop the damage.

China, however, will escape all kinds of protests, fees, etc. while our president bans oil exploration here. China will move on, even at the expense of men who drown like the man in that photo and tell their people it's tough. China destroys the planet and ignores the EPA and Greenpeace and other organizations. We cripple ourselves while other nations exacerbate the 'problem' domestic enemies of oil and gas allege. If China ignores them, what good are their efforts? They just hurt America, rendering her noncompetitive and impotent. Brilliant.

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