16 August 2009

By What I Buy

I had a very interesting but somewhat disconcerting visit to the grocer today. I share it because it's funny and because it gave me food for thought.

I routinely go over to this ethnic market near my work during lunch to pick up veggies for the week either Monday or Tuesday, depending on the week. These are usually sold at really low prices, as fresh as they can be given their nation of origin (Thailand, Persia, and Columbia for example), and of consistent supply despite season since they are staples for other ethnic diets. So, I go over and buy about $15 of veggies every week to sustain me and keep me healthy while at work when I get the munchies and for lunch.

As I reached the checkout, there was actually another non-hispanic who spoke less Spanish than I in line behind me. We spoke a bit about the couple in front of us that took 30+ products through the "15 item or less" line. Then, he said something that took me for a loop. "Based on what you've got there, you are single and straight, aren't you?"

How did he know that based on what I bought? For your edification, here's the rundown: 2 coconuts, 2 heads of red-leaf lettuce, 2 avocados, soy milk, a bag of M&Ms, and three lean cuisine entrees (salmon with basil). Do you see what he saw?

Here are some more details. This guy is himself a homosexual, and all he was buying was what looked like a gallon jug of vodka. He said he'd watched some program that discussed what people buy based on their demographic. Sounds like a new form of stereotyping to me. I mean, are all people who buy vodka at ethic markets homosexual? What happens when I buy these same things after I get married because my wife has a craving for coconuts and avocados with soy milk?

It was interesting and different, so I thought I'd share it with you.

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