23 July 2008

Service to God


I just read a story that makes me really mad. Yahoo Sports wants to make readers think that it’s a crime for the military to ask graduates of West Point to actually fulfill their obligations as officers in the United States Army. Knowing that we are at war, Cadet Campbell tried to broker a deal with the NFL and the War Department to keep him in football as a recruiter, thereby effectively pulling a maneuver to keep out of harm’s way. Now that a new policy supercedes his arrangement, Campbell and his advocates in the media are crying foul.

Forget the fact that an Army officer swears to “defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic”. The absent clause about winning a superbowl far outweighs that heavy duty. In my opinion, one joins the military, not because of what the military can do for him, but because he loves his country. Clowns like Campbell, who use the army as a stepping stool instead of as a real commitment to duty, account in large part for the general disdain among the populace for the military. Once upon a time, I respected anyone who served in arms, my father himself being a disabled and decorated war veteran. Then I heard about John Kerry and others who as far as I know never loved liberty.

While I personally oppose war, I maintain that we must all learn not to make war simultaneously or it will not happen. Despite liberal arguments against war, in all likelihood, men will find themselves at war until the end of the world.

That being said, I know many fine folks who joined the military in time of peace to take advantage of the many benefits it offers. I do not denigrate their service, for without exception despite all being wounded in the line of duty, all of my friends maintain the utmost level of devotion to the Constitution and freedom, and they speak no words of denigration against the nation’s foreign interests for which they bled.

A soldier’s first duty is to his country. A soldier’s first response to an order from a superior officer should be in the affirmative, assuming the order is moral and right. Anyone who tells you differently is selling something. I’m not buying this argument, and neither should you.

God willing, I will join Cadet Campbell and his fellows in arms and take the fight to our enemies. Godspeed the right.

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