14 July 2008

He Said What?


I don’t agree with Barrack Obama very often, in fact, aside from the quote below, I can’t recall a single thing he ever said or did with which I stand by him. From the Associated Press:

"If we're serious about reclaiming that dream, we have to do more in our own lives, our own families and our own communities," Obama said. "That starts with providing the guidance our children need, turning off the TV and putting away the video games; attending those parent-teacher conferences, helping our children with their homework and setting a good example."

Alright. Now that we have his words out of the way, let’s think about the implications, of which there are two.

First, everything else Obama advocates contradicts this message. While he tells us to take more responsibility, he also tells us he intends on establishing programs that ablate and absolve us of responsibility. He opposes privatization of retirement social security contributions, wants to put an end to private health care, and extends a welcoming hand to illegal aliens. He says that government will take care of you, that you deserve to live here, and that whatever you do is no crime. Who does he think he’s kidding?

Secondly, if people did what he proposed, the American Dream would thrive, but not if we only do what he says. Parents need to be good parents, but citizens also need to be good citizens. His words limit us to the microcosm of the locality in which we live, which is far distant from the center of government in most cases. Notice he does not advocate political activity or oversight of policy and officials. He wants us to retreat into our families, where we’ll be easier to control.

Part of setting a good example requires men to stand up to things that are not right (watch for my forthcoming books- link pending). We need to be willing to march into Hell for a Heavenly cause. There was a great war fought in heaven that is still being protracted for the disposition of souls after death. The greatest part of the plan of God involved giving Agency to man, giving him his freedom. This is why God does not often intervene. He is staying out of our way and out of our lives until we invite him in. His Royal Highness Barrack Obama wants government in our lives as soon as possible, whether we want it or not.

Not to say Obama is the antichrist per se, but his plan is a thinly veiled variation on the plan of the deceiver: “We’ll force them to choose. Not one we will lose, and give all the glory to me”.

Please read between the lines. He may be a greatly persuasive speaker who gets you fired up and interested in the disposition of your country, but so was Adolf Hitler, with whom Obama shares much by way of commonality.

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