29 July 2008

Prussian Pedagogue


This morning on the radio I heard two stories that made my skin crawl over the prospects of Prussian pedagogues returning as compulsory commencement of formal education. Both of these pundits preferred all-day kindergarten as a means to alleviate them of the burden of being parents so as to free them to pursue other goals, vocationally aggrandizing in nature and form. Parents who abdicate their adult duty as parents do subsequent generations a disservice, as their children suffer under the “care” of individuals distal to their children in motives and goals.

No matter how you slice it, all-day kindergarten constitutes nothing more than taxpayer subsidized daycare. One woman, herself an educator in the Washoe County Nevada School District, demanded all-day kindergarten. Despite the fact that her husband works and her parents offered her money to pay for a private school, she demanded as a perk of her education that the district offer this option so as to free her from her financial burden paying for daycare. What hypocrisy to turn away help from parents and demand that the populace at large foot the bill for education.

Kindergarten offered the first opportunity under the Prussian Weimar regime to indoctrinate the young. It takes children from the safe and arguably more altruistic environment of home and hearth into the company of strangers where they are taught “acceptable behavior” and acceptable thought. When parents abdicate this duty, honor and responsibility, tyrannical pedagogues appear on the scene to mold children how they see fit, regardless of our wishes, traditions, and morals. Many, like the woman in this story I heard, do so for financial or vocational gain. If you bring children into this world, you and you alone are responsible for the care and nurture of these magical creatures.

While you may reach the dream you hold of financial or corporate success, pawning off your children to all-day kindergarten promises to bring you only sorrow. They will learn to love and support liberal maxism, and when you are brought down in your gray hairs to tyranny, you will have no choice but to accept that they are what they are because you did not make them what they ought to be. No success can compensate for failure in the home. There is no greater calling or work in life than to be a good parent. Anyone can donate sperm, but it takes a real man to be a dad.

Our world becomes what we make of it. By electing to do nothing, we in essence side with those who attempt to change the world to a socialist utopia. Remember how the Prussians fared. They are no more, and the Poles now roam their homelands. What a legacy.

If you want to send your children to daycare, that’s your business, but don’t you dare ask me to pay the bill.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In my view, half day kindergarten is pointless since the children do not get enough time learning their abcs. My child's kindergarten teacher who taught both half and full days said that for half days, by the time the children get settled and are ready to absorb anything, it was time to dismiss them. From her experience, children consistently learned more in the full day classes. I chose the full day for my child and paid the school district $300 a month for the additional 3 hours of daily instruction, so it may not be a taxpayer's burden. All the parents also spent time volunteering in the classroom at least twice a month. It is a good preparation for the children both academically and socially before first grade. The best education of course should begin and continue at home with a nurturing family.