29 June 2012

Truth About Obamatax

Over the past 3.5 years under Obama, America has seen almost every milestone passed by the Romans on their fall to irrelevance. In conjunction with that, there are many seeds of tyranny in Obamatax (formerly known as Obamacare until Chief Justice John Roberts correctly exposed the sham). You see, the problem with lies is that in order to perpetuate them you have to always be able to keep your facts straight and remember to whom you told what and keep up the charade. If you tell the truth, the facts remain. I have much experience with this.

Obama's chief accomplishment is to threaten us to comply under penalty. Pretty much everything he does, aside from Obamatax, demands that we behave as directed or suffer the penalty. In his Orwellian ruling that Obamacare is a tax, Roberts solidified Obama's efforts to send out the IRS to enforce his will upon us, because despite what Harry Reid claims taxes are not voluntary. Well, maybe they are. After all, Treasury Secretary Geithner is a known tax cheat, as are many of the Democrats who are supposedly into helping people. Most troubling to me, Obama's administration is full of duplicitous hypocrites who, like the Pharisees before them, live only to be seen of men and care little for anyone. Even after Obama’s own lawyers argued that it wasn’t a tax, the Court said it was, and Obama's own people are still arguing that Roberts is wrong.

The trouble is that they don't really want to help anyone. As soon as the problem goes away, you no longer need them. This is about power. All we are allowed to choose is who will rule over us; they will choose everything else. They know better, they want us to believe they ARE better even though they are not required to prove it, and they want us to believe they can make men better. They will compel us to be happy and peaceful and prosperous even though they will admit you can't force a horse to drink. Under the guise of representative government, and despite crying foul with the GOP does in kind, they skirt the rule of law. As a Democrat, you cannot lose. If the legislature doesn't like it, you pass an executive order; if that doesn't work, you turn to the courts. If the courts don't back you, then you threaten to pack the court with people who agree with you. You can't lose! You have all power to change things to always benefit you.

Very much like Rome, in which, even when you had three co-emperors, the ruling power still resided in the hands of a few individuals. Even as they promise that it will make things better, they see the opposite happen. Every indicator of good fortune is down and every indicator of misfortune has risen. The day of the SCOTUS ruling, stocks tumble, recognizing the huge drain on disposeable income. If they can compel you to buy healthcare, they can compel you to buy anything. I found it interesting that Rush quoted the “constitution by a thread” line, because I have been saying it before he did, and I took it from Ezra Taft Benson in a book from 1967.

Most Democrat programs are about bullying. They say they have a right to equal pay for equal work, but according to them you do not have a right to any pay at all if you work in healthcare, because people also have a right to that for free. While they support the right of workers to unionize and strike, they would NEVER support the unionization of doctors for fear that if doctors went on strike nobody would get any healthcare. This is how absurd their logic is. It’s a one-way street that always benefits them. Young people are not the proposed beneficiaries of their policies; they never have been. They are always the targets. They need the money of young people to subsidize paying for poor people and old people and retired people, and the only group they can tap is the only group with money that’s not participating, by penalizing young people. The ages are vestiges of bygone eras. In our day, you are considered an adult at 18 in terms of participating in government, in war, and in taxes. It was not always that way. The draft was lowered to 18 to boost enlistment rates for Vietnam. The voting age was lowered to match that. How many 18 year olds however are participants in the system? The government even acknowledges they are ill-equipped to participate since it acknowledged extension of medical benefits under parental insurance until you are 26. What’s magical about that age? It’s when you start being productive. Obama's politics have nothing to do with the Constitution and everything to do with grabbing power.

For some time, I have warned politicians against the notion of trying to make earth, which is fallen, the utopia that heaven alone can sustain. Whereas most people are focused on avoiding evil, very few focus on being and inviting good. It's why none of the utopian models of economics, politics, or even religion have succeeded. They are focused on avoiding excess and sin but not on the search for and acquisition of righteous traits. It is why all the Great Societys of modern America and Enlightenment Experiments of the pilgrims have failed to establish a utopia on earth. They tried to establish one without the assistance and substance of Heaven. They would do well to keep in mind the words of the Psalmist who wrote that "unless the Lord builds the house, those who labor build in vain (Psalm 127:1)".

My best friend told me once that I'm the happiest person he knows. It's not because I look happy and smile and frolic and laugh as much as it is about how I am at peace with myself and at peace with my values. You see, happiness is not found in what people do; it is found in what they are. It is not enough to avoid what is wrong; to be ideal, to really be happy, you must also do and be what is right. As we become better people, we invite the Spirit of God into our lives. Happiness is a fruit of the spirit. Don’t spend time trying to be happy or find happiness. The only way to truly be happy is to have the Spirit with you. That’s why happiness is linked to righteousness, because the longer and more purely we live in accordance with the gospel of Christ, the more frequently and deeply we will be able to enjoy the companionship of the Holy Ghost in our lives. Obama cannot give us that. He does not intend to.

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