11 May 2011

Secure the Border

Security being the true design and end of government, it unanswerably follows that whatever form thereof appears most likely to ensure it to us, with the least expence and greatest benefit, is preferable to all others. --Thomas Paine

I caught word yesterday just before I left work that CBP has unearthed several tunnels across the border near Nogales THROUGH SOLID ROCK through which Mexicans are smuggling drugs. As the Supreme Court strikes down Arizonas laws and Obama gears up to cater to the illegal alien vote with a new amnesty push, that this story even came out says a lot (of course it also came out over in the UK, so the link should be good for a long while).

One of my highest priorities would be to secure the sovereignty and security of this nation. I would give DHS the power to enforce the laws and protect our borders. I would get the fences built and send the manpower and equipment necessary to prevent this kind of thing from happening, since the North Koreans have previously used this tunnel technique as a precursor for invasion (ground penetrating radar, anyone?). Now terrorists can enter the country more easily than ever- just pose as drug mules and go through these tunnels.

Yes, I said tunnels. There are probably more because they've found several already. Mexico will not police its border and ask its people to obey their laws. Obama will not allow states to do so. Since when did states lose their sovereignty? The Ax boasts itself against him who heweth therewith. We are not safe, and therefore this government is derelict in its duty. I cannot rely on this government to secure our security or sovereignty. Find statesmen who will.

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