15 August 2010

Mosque at Ground Zero

The president defended the construction of a mosque at ground zero last night. He referred to rights that date back to the Founders. This man is either completely unaware of the Founders or cares so much for his ideology that he projects it onto other men as an ad populum effort to adjoin himself to famous and successful people who came before him. Before he trots out the Founders to do his bidding, it would behoove Obama to ask if he respects their intent.

For the better part of the last two years, I have made a concerted effort to study the Founders in depth. I've walked the same streets, read their papers, read the books that inspired them, and studied their families, their circumstances, and their origins. I visited the sights where the Revolution began and where their progenitors first planted the seeds of rebellion from Williamsburg VA to Lexington MA. My conclusion is that Obama's attribution of rights to Moslems reflects a willful ignorance of the Founders themselves.

What were the religious affirmations of the Founders? Both Adams came from the Puritan colonies of Massachusetts. Franklin and his fellows were at home amidst the Quakers. Jefferson, Washington, and a few others were deists, and disagree with organized religion in general. Most of them wrote vehemently against the Papist effort abroad in Europe that drove the emigration of these peoples to America in the first place. Their forefathers escaped England to settle here to avoid the Protestant/Catholic wars of Elizabethan England which protracted from that time until the time of revolution. They were wary of Catholicism and its Anglican offspring.

What was wrong with Catholicism and its Anglican clone? It was a religion imposed upon people. There was a time in the Austrian empire when the emperor sent soldiers into the countryside to ask what religion the farmers claimed. If you didn't say Catholic, they struck you down where you stood. Most of the earliest settlers came here to worship God according to the dictates of their own conscience. Terrorism is hardly however worship.

This is tantamount to establishment of a religion in this nation. We have all heard the allegations that Obama is a closet Moslem, and Reverend Wright's church was hardly a church visited or even acknowledged by the Christ. They get special privileges and allowances, and the anti-religionists follow suit, but if I want to erect a nativity set in my yard and a neighbor is offended, I cannot. Furthermore, the Imam already has another mosque or 'community outreach center' twelve blocks from Ground Zero. Why does he need another one within two blocks? I have ancestors who were driven out of the United States into what was then Spanish Mexico because of their religious beliefs. This is an outrage.

We insulate things to protect ourselves. It would be stupid to change our modus opporendi now and allow Moslems to erect what could be taken by radicals as a Triumphal Arch at the site of America's defeat.

1 comment:

Bri said...

I'd like to see the Greek Orthodox church rebuilt there WAY before anyone decides whether or not someone else can build *their* religious building in that area.