13 May 2010

Armstrong: My Favorite Explorer

Neil Armstrong is my favorite explorer. First man to officially walk on the moon, brave man to leave the confines of the earth where if you make any mistakes you're dead immediately, and now going where nobody has gone before as far as NASA and Obama are concerned, this man is amazing. Today, he criticized Obama's NASA ideas as "likely contrived by a very small group in secret" and of doubtful value to America's space supremecy. With Jim Lovell (Apollo 13) and Eugene Cernan (Apollo 17), they described the plan thusly: "We (Armstrong, Lovell and myself) have come to the unanimous conclusion that this budget proposal presents no challenges, has no focus, and in fact is a blueprint for a mission to 'nowhere."

How is this a surprise? This man led the way. He has 'gravitas'. From whence cometh Obama's expertise in space travel? From watching "The Jetsons"? This man is an expert. This man went where nobody had been before, where many said we could never go, and with far poorer equipment than that currently available to us. Armstrong is a hero.

I hope I get to meet him one day.

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