06 May 2009

Sometimes I Amaze Even Myself

When I decide to do something, that usually ends it. Some of my father's coworkers tried to joust with me verbally last Saturday as I helped one of them move to a new home. They learned that when I put my mind to something, nobody had better get in the way. I learned long ago that you haven't failed until you stop trying, and that if I keep trying to do what I know I should then eventually things fall into place where they need to be.

It's no secret that I do this. I've spoken at length in previous posts about my dedication to physical activity. Some of my old HS friends marvel at my dedication to get up at 5:30AM to read the scriptures and then exercise. Some of my family groans at my refusal to shave off my beard. My mother worries about my car.

Yesterday I surprised myself. Those who know me well know that for the past few weeks I've been dealing with a very disheartening and disappointing situation over which I have very little control. Although I enlisted the Lord's help in resolving it, it has not resolved itself the way I hoped, leaving me a tad dejected. Then, several people in rapid succession challenged me to try to be happy. Yesterday, I decided that I was going to try every day to make it a happy day and not let circumstances dictate my destiny, and yesterday was a happy day.

The illustrious legislature here handed down a 4.5% paycut to all state employees, of which I am one. What they intend to do is furlough us one day per month without pay to cut salaries and avoid layoffs. When I went to see my boss, I surprised myself by seeing in that a silver lining: what this actually means is that I get 24 more days over the next two years where I don't have to come to work and for which I don't have to take leave. Furthermore, my boss sees no problem letting me bank them up and use them when I see fit, meaning I don't have to tap into my leave at all for the next two years perhaps! Plus, I may get my annual pay raise in October, putting me right back up to my original pay as of right now after three months of reduced pay, almost all of which come during our flexible summer work schedule which will save me about $25 in gas per month not driving every day or driving in traffic. Life is good.

Much of what we cling to depends on our point of view. I'm not normally known for my cheery disposition or my optimistic outlook. I found it much more convenient to expect the worst; that way I was never disappointed and sometimes positively surprised. However, it doesn't make me look happy, let alone actually be it.

Then, on the way home, I told myself it didn't feel that bad, even though it was 96F. I guess I've finally acclimated to Vegas after two years. I know that this present state is a gift of God- who really does want me to be happy. So, like I said yesterday I will see to those things over which I have control and let the rest sort out themselves. For today I choose happy thoughts, and today is going to be a good day!


Bri said...

I fully support you in this non-bear-shaving endeavour!

Doug Funny said...

Just for clarification, I think you mean "non-beard-shaving" because I would naturally never get close enough to shave a bear...