09 March 2009


Another reason why good men don't run is that in order to win elections, you must surrender your allegiance to the political apparatchic. Many of our Founding Fathers opposed the party system for this among other reasons. A man who owes someone else something for getting elected to office is beholden less to the people than to certain members thereof and is therefore already sold out.

I do not belong to the GOByN (Good Old Boy Network). In order to get elected to office in Nevada, I would normally have to apply to certain families, certain corporations, or certain other socio-political organizations to win their endorsement. I am not rich, not well-known, and not a regular devotee and invitee to the various social events at which the movers and shakers move and shake.

Unlike them, however, I know you. I have more than likely been to your town. I have taught or learned with your children. Perhaps I even dated one of them once. I've lived alongside, worked, and chowed with your sons and husbands. I attended your schools, traveled your roads, shopped in your stores. Shoot, I've even eaten at the Nugget in Searchlight.

Unlike Reid or anyone who might be promoted by the party apparati, I am a real person. I drive my own car, change my own oil, drive the same roads, shop in the same stores, pay the same bills, and attend the same churches. We are despite my moral and religious and political code of morays more alike than you think. We should focus on where we are the same and not on where we differ.

You know what your state needs. Vote for someone who agrees. In the end, it will take a grass roots effort going door to door, neighbor to neighbor, town to town to win an election for a good and brave and true statesman, Battle Born. If you don't think that man is on the ballot, then get on the ballot and run that kind of campaign. I spent two years going door to door as a missionary in Austria. How bad can this be?

As for the GOByN. I will meet you anytime anywhere for a debate in the arena of ideas. Bring your intellectual seconds.

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