24 March 2009

All For One and More For Me

Just before my jog this morning I got some distressing and irritating news. The good result is that I ran my 10K in 52 minutes. The bad news is that if Geithner and Obama get their way, they will have lain the foundation for the death of the western world.

Note the language of the article. He SEEKS POWER to SEIZE. So, he admits he does not have the power or the right, and he would have to seize, or take forceably. Where in Sam Houston did he get the idea that he can take power unto himself? Government gets its power from the people, and I don't know about you but I don't have power, despite the stock shares I own, to force any company into federal receivership. There is zero constitutional authority to do this.

King Obama I, this idiot, thinks that just because he defeated McCain in 2008 that he now has power and brains to run everything everywhere better than anyone anywhere despite lacking any evidence in support thereof. He has never run anything successfully, not even a presidential campaign. He won because McCain was lousy, not because he was good. Obama doesn't have a degree or any practical experience in any field except for his law degree, but all of that changed last November when he suddenly became clairevoyant upon election to the presidency. All he does well is party and nationalize industry. Shoot, even I can bowl higher than 129.

The NEvada Highway Patrol turned me away because I lacked a degree in criminal justice. Yet the president, bereft of any experience or education in business, wants us to think he can do anything we can do better. That about sums up the argument of what Mark Levin refers to as Envirostatists. He believes in government.

Obviously, Obama has never read Montesquieu. Montesquieu, from whom the Founding Fathers took much of the framework for our Federal Republic reminds us that the created is never greater than the creator. Perhaps that's why Envirostatists are also generally atheists, agnostics, and environmentalists- in those religions, THEY are gods unto themselves, but I digress.

Last Spring, I went to William Penn's home. There, I read the following:

Governments, like clocks, go from the motion men give them; and as governments are made and moved by men, so by them are ruined too. Wherefore governments rather depend upon men, than men upon governments. Let men be good, and the government cannot be bad; if it be ill, they will cure it. But, if men be bad, let the government be never so good, they will endeavor to warp and spoil it to their turn.

Government is spoiled. Obama will ruin your life. People in industries who voted for Obama will suffer under spread misery of a concerted effort to control men and make them poorer. You are not real to Envirostatists. You are a disease. If you succeed, you are a cancer to communism. They will march on listening to what they want to hear regardless of its truth. They will put coal miners, steel workers, automobile assemblymen, ad infinitum out of work, in the middle of a recession and take that as license to nationalize everything they can.

Obama and his ilk are wrong. They are idiots. Their lust for power cannot be slaked. God save us.

Next year, every one of you needs to become an American Aristocrat. I believe it was John Adams who defined an aristocrat as he who controls more than one vote. Get out and talk to your neighbors. Get them to go vote, and educate them so that they can vote correctly. Stand for freedom. Stand for the Constitution, before Obama, who took an OATH to defend it, rips it to shreds before our eyes. I have stood in the Archive Rotunda. It is real to me, and so are each one of you.

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