16 December 2008

Stories that Irk Me

As the economy sours and we head into recession depression, many people misunderstand the truth about declining gas prices. While prices fall, that fall comes coupled to a fall in demand with zero change in supply. At the same time, OPEC plans to cut production, which, if we return to the same level of demand we saw in summer, we will have higher prices given a surge in demand because they are further cutting supply. The thing to do now is to EXPAND supply- increase access to more commodities. That’s the Wal-Mart theorem of business- sell in volume regardless of price and by so doing bring in more money. Instead, politicians avail themselves of this reprieve in gas prices to further restrict the energy market. As soon as the eye of this storm passes over, just like hurricane winds, the shear on the other side of the eye will be worse than it was before the storm broke above us, and prices will go over $5/gal, mark my words.

During the campaign, Senator Joe Biden proclaimed that it was a patriotic duty to pay taxes. Now I read a story that if you pay fewer taxes you are somehow cheating. That’s the problem with politicians. Said Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin, politicians regard everything as THEIR money- they “let” us keep some of it for ourselves, but if they can they will take everything we have. That’s why anyone who gets more money back because he knows the nuances of the system, the laws, and the loopholes finds himself labeled a cheater- he’s cheating the government out of what it “deserves”. Why does government deserve any of our money? The only thing they spend it on that I really endorse is the military.

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