06 March 2012

Because We Can

Last Saturday, I told my microbiology class that I believe in them. By the time they got to me, they had applied, passed other difficult courses, and outlasted their classmates. I reminded them that we live in a time of greater possibility than ever before, and that more things will be available to them than ever before. However, just because we can do a thing does not follow that we must or that we should.

People with a smidgen of knowledge like to assume they know what's best. Politicians and scientists, blessed with a new scintilla of power, like to engineer things for everyone else. However, few of them seem willing and able to stop and think about whether what they are doing should be done, let alone whether they can.

As the media attempts to distract us, remember that the real issue of Obamacare is whether or not government can do this. Maybe you think they should, but even if they can, remember that other people don't think they should. It is no sign of maturity to say "give me what I want or I will be a miscreant". Anything that can be used for good can also be used for evil. Even if you mean well, some mean person will mean to do otherwise with that opportunity than to be wise.

When Sandra Fluke 'testified before Congress', it wasn't really a testimony. It was a press conference staged to look like a hearing. It was to distract people from the issue of whether or not the government can do what they have decided to do against our will.

There are many things we can do. We can turn the middle east into glass today if we like. We can make everyone a millionaire by printing money if we like. We can do many things, but they all come eventually with a price, a price that someone has to pay. The real victim in all of this is children, who will be prevented access to this world and lives of their own because of the things for which Sandra has chosen to become pluripotent spokesidiot. So much for 'life is an inalienable right' or 'liberals love women'. Statistically speaking, more than half of the aborted fetuses have been women, because male embryos are much more fragile. Furthermore, Obama has spoken of how he doesn't want his daughters 'punished with a baby'. Claiming that a baby is a punishment makes one sound as if one has great disdain for the sanctity of life itself.

Most tyrants consider your life to be very cheap. What Obama's administration really intends is eventually to take away freedoms and rights. Oh, they talk about rights to health care, home ownership, and the like, but if you don't have life, liberty or an ability to pursue happiness, those things don't amount to much. They think they are our superiors, that they know how to do things perfectly, when we all know that they are humans just like you and I. As for me, I don't mind that people know I am human. It allows me room for growth and reminds me of my dependency on my Savior. They are trying to convince you that if you tell them that they can do a thing that they will be able to deliver on it in the way you imagine in your head it will be. They have their own vision, and they will be our rulers, even if they mean to rule well, for no other reason than because they can. Trust no man to be your king. If you would be free, govern yourself and elect those who do likewise.

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