12 July 2011

Obama to Raise Taxes $1 Trillion

I have previously said that according to the Statist you will always have too much money and too much liberty until you have none at all of either. As Obama tries to blame the GOP for the looming disaster, he's about ready to add $1 trillion in taxes, on each and every American who earns a wage by working for a living. I don't care what he tells you in his daily press conferences, he has raised taxes and debt and suffering for Americans more than any other president, and perhaps more than all the rest put together.

Obama's plan is simple and self-directed. He is, like most politicians, his own favorite beneficent, beneficiary and constituent. No compromise is possible with him because Obama believes it necessary to destroy American prosperity in order for utopia to be possible. He loves power, he loves to luxuriate at our expense. He loves himself, but he does not love you. He doesn't even know you.

Plato's Guardians were people who could be trusted to govern because they could gain no advantage they value. Benjamin Franklin said that when the rewards of an office are so plentiful so as to incentivize too many people to aspire to the office the rewards ought to be reduced. When Dean Heller took John Ensign's senate seat, a record number of people swarmed in to the special election. They are not there for you. They are there for them, for their own names, their own legacy, and their own advancement.

Many people do not feel they are represented by government. Good men do not run. Famous men, rich men, ambitious men, and largely unscrupled men do. Other people are busy leading good lives. They do not seek power. They are in the pursuit of happiness, true happiness, and the trouble with money and power is that those transitory things aren't always enough let alone useful to set things right.

American prosperity is on Obama's hands. Somehow, like Pilate, he is always able to wash them and come out looking clean. The gun is always at his head, but like Pilate, he could have stood up and been a man.

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