07 July 2011

Constitution By a Thread

People who share my Faith will understand without too much explanation why exactly this day is important. On his radio program yesterday, Constitutional Lawyer, head of Landmark Legal Foundation, Jew, and author Mark Levin said that the Constitution hangs by a thread. The day of prophecy has come.

What are the evidences of this?
-President Obama, at the urging of a US Senator, Charles Shumer, is considering violating the Constitution to raise the debt ceiling, a clear usurpation of legislative authority
-a single Supreme Court justice eventually stands between your right to buy what you please and government’s ability to force you to buy what they like
-during his Twitter Townhall, Obama spent a lot of time discussing cuts to Defense, which is a legitimate function of government, to pay for Education, which is not mentioned in the Constitution at all
-the DoD is involved, not necessarily in the protection of American interests as much as it is in use as an army of occupation in several theaters, clandestinely, and in violation of the War Powers Act, and despite his promises to the contrary, troops will remain in Iraq-Obama has devalued our currency through sequential Quantitative Easing programs which have printed money and enslaved us in debt to China, a clear violation of the "entangling alliances"
-the Obama Administration is intevening to stay the execution of a foreign national but will not protect CBP officers like those who shot but did not kill a mexican drug lord
-Obama bows to foreign heads of state, his wife hugs the queen of England, and he uses public funds in the form of Air Force One and the White House to raise funds for reelection-not once since Obama took office have the Democrats passed a budget
-Obama has essentially nationalized the automotive and banking industries
-before his election, Obama promised transparency by posting bills to the internet before he signed them when he has signed bills into law that nobody has read in their entirety before they were passed
-the president insists on going green as green industries file for bankruptcy and although the UN admits that it's prohibitively expensive, the costs far outweighing the benefits
-Obama insists on paying for the bureaucracy before paying for the debt, gives his staffers raises far in excess of that on average in any other employment sector, and talks about how firemen and teachers will be cut, which is about fear, when perhaps they should be since the Constitution doesn't say anything about federal involvement in safety or education internal to the nation
-while insisting on tax increases and that American citizens cut back, Obama refuses to live within the nation's means
-he chides the GOP for taking vacations, and then he jets off to Martha's Vineyard, plays golf, and enjoys the 4th of July while Harry Reid does squat in Washington for show

So what? Where are the good men who are supposed to step forth and save the Constitution, if we can keep it? I am not saying there are none in Washington. I do not think they are doing enough. What can we do?

1. stop supporting businesses that support the unwraveling of the Constitution. I know you might like cable TV, the NY Times, and AARP for its discounts, and the Prius, but those companies are involved in supporting his agenda to destroy the Constitution.
2. get involved. it's not enough to vote. Dead people and illegal aliens do that. Make calls, discuss politics with your friends, knock on doors, mail things, and contact your congressmen and senators incessantly until they tell you, as Harry Reid told me once, to stop calling them because you're clearly an idiot. If you have the balls, run for office yourself.
3. get your house in order. Madison told us that the Constitution was for a moral and religious people. Get clean of drugs and immorality. Get your house clean. Get food storage. Become independent. Buy a gun and some ammo, and then pray to God that you never have to use it.
4. get behind the candidate who best understands and supports the principles of the Revolution and Convention. I'm not talking about the person whom you like the most or who 'has the best chance to win' or who sounds good, looks good on TV, or with whom you agree most. Find the candidate who is most like the Founders and back him with everything you have. Maybe that's not you, and maybe your choices aren't between Jefferson, Washington, and Adams, but if they're a lot better than a Statist or an Obamist, then they're much better than we have today. Upgrade whenever you can. Hold your ground when you get there.

When the Constitution hangs by a thread, it is up to moral men who are good and brave and true to step forward and save it. Just last weekend we all went out, shot off fireworks, ate beef products, and spent time with families in commemoration of or at least because of the sacrifice of the Men of '76. Be a 76er. Go to the green.

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