21 April 2009

Free to Leave

Anyone who knows anything about me knows that I love my country. I tried for three consecutive years to join the military, all to no avail. When I asked my best friend about the flag lapel pin, he said that I don't need to do that for people to see I'm a patriot. It comes through in everything I say and do.

As such, I take it almost as a personal affront to hear recent immigrants and illegal aliens rag on my country. If you hate America and American ideas so much, why would you come here? There is a professor at work who constantly talks about how much better things were at her previous university. If Rhode Island is so great, why doesn't she go back? If your country was so much better (health care, economics, politics, etc.), then what possessed you to come here in the first place? We like things here the way they are.

In America, her citizens enjoy an unspoken and undervalued freedom.
Bill Manders calls the freedom to leave. Instead, these ingrates come to America and whine about how bad their lives are. Then they try to undermine the very nation that gives them their prosperity. As they benefit from it, they luxuriate in it, and they want to set themselves up at the top they undermine from within.

Rousseau wrote that IF AND ONLY IF (IFF) we all give up our personal natural rights to the same degree at the same time it will work, but the reality is that that will never happen, and so utopia on earth is impossible. To all of you who hate America, you are free to leave at any time. That's the great thing about Federalism- if you don't like the local laws, you move. Stop trying to create a national bureaucracy that renders every corner of our country the same so that there is neither choice nor mobility. That's unamerican, and we have no more frontier in which to flee.

There are no perfect countries. There are no perfect people to run them. Stop trying to make earth which is fallen the utopia that heaven alone can sustain.

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