14 April 2009

Biting the Hand That Feeds

I grow tired of ingrates in my own country who don't appreciate what they have. I lived in socialist Austria for about two years, and I was never so glad to see America as I was when I returned home. Many Americans do not realize how well they have things. Just because today your fiduciary status isn't as good as you want or as it was six months ago doesn't mean we're not well off. Remember that Obama's brother survives in Africa on $20 a year.

Many Americans bite the hand that feeds them. They denigrate the society that lets them have what they have and paint us as villains. You see them on parade on TV leading crusades against the greedy imperialistic American when they have their opulence because of Capitalism and Freedom. Hollywood starlets who earn millions don't want us to have what we want, drive what we wish, eat what we like, and live where it suits us. While they do whatever they want whenever they want, living in the lap of luxury, they criticise the very people who buy their product. I am often aghast that so many of my countrymen listen to potentates paid to pretend to live. What do they know about anything?

They luxuriate in our society and get treated magnificently and then turn again and rend it. Well were we warned about casting pearls before swine. I think it might be time for price and wage controls on hollywood. If salary caps work for CEOs, why not for actors? If it were a principled stand, it would be across the board, instead, it's against the productive sector as part of an ideological crusade against opponents. Today Mark Levin said of such luxuriation, "if you're not repulsed by now there's something wrong with you, God's honest truth" They've never had it so good

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