27 June 2008

Redeemed by Rebates

On another blog I read, I notice that people are still asking when their “prebate” check will arrive. Granted that some money has been waylaid, and some other funds may be lost, but I have to opine the stupidity. When I file my taxes, I receive my refund by electronic transfer, and my prebate came in the same fashion. What are these people doing that precludes them from receiving the money via direct deposit? Who might not want to HAVE DD?

If you aren’t using direct deposit on your taxes, you’re afraid. For those afraid of identity theft, I hear your pain. In 2003, someone transferred almost $8000 out of my account to a bank in the Balkans, so I know there’s a risk. If you’re afraid for other reasons, I think it reflects opportunities for the government. In the aforementioned story, some money was diverted for people arrears in alimony or in taxes. Many other crimes can be caught this way.

Many people who file to get a prebate don’t deserve it, seeing as how they are breaking the law. Some people qualified for the prebate who had no income tax liability, but far more people are HIDING money from the government. If the government has been previously ignoring you, in some cases for years, because you report no income, they might take an interest in you now. I know lots of people get paid in cash, under the table, etc., and no matter how much I disagree with taxes, I pay them, even if Harry Reid thinks paying taxes is elective. If you don’t believe me, watch him say it here. We can therefore catch people who are trying to hide money who were so greedy they wanted $600-1200 more, at your expense.

The Prebate could also be used to help with illegal immigration. Where non-resident aliens file income taxes to take advantage of the rebate, they come out of the shadows. Many illegal aliens are not paid under their real social security numbers (since they can’t get them) and most don’t pay taxes at all, being paid under the table or in other illegal means. Compounding illegality with illegality…fascinating. Now, you elected officials, I adjure you to levy this information toward the protection of the nation and deport illegal aliens who identify themselves under this provision

Politicians could use this failed policy to redeem themselves in our eyes and show us that in America the law is king (DeToqueville). Or, maybe for their money/votes/fame they will allow the guilty to go free. If that’s their idea of freedom, I want no part. Thanks for the prebate anyhow.

1 comment:

Bri said...

I am one of those unfortunate souls that did not get their rebate in the expected time frame, even though I did opt in for direct deposit. After some public outcry from people like me, the IRS stated this:

"If filing or preparation fees were deducted from your 2007 Refund or you received a refund anticipation loan, you will be receiving a check instead of a direct deposit."

I had filed with TurboTax and had my preparation fees deducted, as many others had. Now apparently this was only a problem with a few of these like services, and so not all of the online tax filing community was hit by this. I got my rebate as promised, though via snail-mail.

In my personal opinion, the rebate idea was a poor solution to solving our current economical problem. Studies have shown that when people have less money, they spend less. Sounds logical, right? Due to our current hike in gas prices, the whole economy feels the burn. Our truckers need more fuel to transport our goods, so food and other commodity costs go up. The consumer foots the final bill for his/her basic needs. This leaves less wiggle room for other economy-boosting spending.

To reference the old adage, it felt very much like the government giving the country a fish to feed it for a day. Though I have not been able to think of a way, other than alternative fuel, to relieve the monetary pressure on the citizens.

In the mean time, I'll take my fish.