15 March 2013

Ammunition Fleecing

This week, I met up with a guy to buy some ammunition after market. The stores never seem to have any, and I need some for the weekend, and so I paid the price which was significantly higher than the actual MSRP. What prompted this post and flabberghasted me is when the seller actually confessed to the fact that he was fleecing people and he knew it and that he DIDN’t SEE ANYTHING WRONG WITH IT. “You got to make a buck, you know?” he asked me. He has no guilt or remorse about it at all.

What makes me upset about this is that this same guy probably thinks that corporations are ripping people off. When he does it on a small scale it’s ok, but when a large company does it, it’s completely unacceptable. Perhaps that’s how those kind of people end up fleecing the public; they start small, and their company grows until we have not just some guy in a parking lot but a huge corporation that believes it’s no big deal because he’s just one person or even worse, “Everyone’s doing it”.

The people who are buying ammunition, not to shoot but to fleece those who do, need to buy something else. They are taking advantage of a crisis, then they call us whiners. They hate capitalism while they are capitalists as they do this. I find it funny when people hate a thing when others are doing it and then rationalize it when they do it. This kind of hypocrisy governs the world, but other things should. If they were really compassionate like they insist they think everyone should be, they would leave the ammunition in the store for those who use it to buy.

Note: I buy ammunition when I find it, but I never buy ammunition that I will not actually use. If I did, I would run the risk like during the Tickle Me Elmo Fleecing when people ended up with garages full of toys they did not want and could not sell.

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