25 August 2012


Last week, I stuck around after class Thursday night discussing things with a few students about their career aspirations. You see, very few people get degrees in Biochemistry, partly because it’s a tough course of study, but also because it’s old-fashioned. In fact, when I came to Vegas to teach, I think they were surprised I was young, because most people only take as much Biochemistry as they must. What worked out for me is that with a Biochemistry background, I am useful to and have worked in both Biology and Chemistry, and a former undergraduate classmate of mine is suggesting I teach the Biochemistry course because his PhD is in Organic Chemistry, and he knows he’s not the best subject matter expert.

I laugh sometimes when I learn what people’s credentials actually are. There is a member of our department who teaches Anatomy and Physiology. While his BS is in Physiology, what he doesn’t tell his students is that his PhD is in Psychology (easy to not notice if you don’t read it closely), but he makes his students call him Doctor even though the doctorate is not in the subject he teaches. Many people pass themselves off as experts without much to back up their claims.

What bothers me most is TV, which is what came up with my students. I decided to write about this today when I heard that Bill Nye the “Science Guy” came out as critical against people who don’t believe in evolution. How did Bill become a “Science Guy” anyway? Did he come up with those programs or was he the presenter? Does he actually understand the science or did he just read a teleprompter? That’s the problem with television. Nye actually has a BS in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell. All the rest of his degrees are honorary.

Likewise, some other famous TV “doctors” have different credentials than we think. Hugh Laurie in “House” is an actor. So is Patrick Dempsey who plays a doctor in “Grey’s Anatomy”. Dr. Phil has a degree in Psychology. Likewise, Dr. Ruth, the noted sex therapist, is a psychologist. Dr. Drew is an internist specializing in controlling substances (so far I’m noting a theme). At least Dr. Oz is a medical doctor, being a Cardiothoracic surgeon who actively (albeit barely) teaches at Columbia university. You see, “doctor” doesn’t always mean what we think it means, and people think it means something other than it ought.

Then there’s Obama. We don’t actually know what degrees he has because he won’t release his transcripts. You can see mine any time you like. They are impressive.

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